Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Interesting Flowers At the Garden Center


I had several "must do" things to accomplish. A phone call, a visit to the Social Security office, and picking out plants for a big planter that includes a sign at Wes and Rachel's work.

I am happy to report that the phone call quick, as was the time at the SS office, which I had been dreading. I breathed a happy sigh when Kyle and I left to head to Ken's Gardens.

I always love to check out the plants at Ken's Gardens. These Zorro Hydrangea were new to me. The individual flowers were enormous!

I did buy myself a new hydrangea, but not this kind. I'll show you when we get it planted in my cottage garden. I may end up with this kind when I begin the make over along the creek.

My job yesterday was to buy perennials and a few annuals for a big planter for the business Wes and Rachel are a part of running. They wanted things that will be hardy, and will bloom in succession through the seasons. 

Since it is mid June, I began with summer perennials and a few late summer/early autumn bloomers. In the fall, we will plant some spring bulbs and perhaps some ever green plants.

I'll get some photos when it gets planted.

These are not flowers I bought for the planter but they caught my eye. I'd never seen them before, but they are very pretty. Ranging in color from a light purple to deeper pink. 

The plants purchased for the planter are Knock Out Roses, Heliopsis "Tuscan Gold," Angel's Wing Begonia, a new kind of Aster, and some petunias.

There are a few more plants I am thinking of getting for the planter. This is my first time being asked to plan out a planter bed (other than my own garden beds) and purchase flowers for them.

It's fun and keeps me occupied with things I love!

Here are a few photos of the florals I helped with last week.

It was a beautiful wedding and I can't wait to see the professional photos.

Have you seen any interesting flowers lately?


Linda said...

I planted a good many bulbs and now they are starting to bloom. I have several sunflowers here at home that came from bird seed and I am enjoying them. Now to try to keep all the plants I've purchased this season from dying in the Texas summer heat!!

Cheryl said...

I am so predictable in my choices of flowers. Geraniums and vinca in our pots. And we love our hydrangeas in the yard! So no new things, but I do enjoy the old! I hope you'll show some photos of the planters when you're finished!

Information Friday

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