Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Shelter, Streams, and Shade


This photo is a few years old, but I love the flowers in it. I don't like the fence that was in need of replacing, and the missing fence section.

Beauty in the midst of a unsightly mess. Isn't that an analogy for life? We create pockets of beauty in our pain filled world, when we garden, set up our homes for cozy comfort, set a pretty table, love our families and our neighbors. These things are streams of water, and shade to the weary.

In the sermon at church last Sunday we read this verse - 

Isaiah 32:1-2

Behold, a king will reign in righteousness,
    and princes will rule in justice.
Each will be like a hiding place from the wind,
    a shelter from the storm,
like streams of water in a dry place,
    like the shade of a great rock in a weary land.

Jesus is the king, and we are the princes. We are to be shelters from the storm, like streams of water in a dry place, like the shade of a great rock.

We are to bring help, and needed things like rest and renewal to people. We do that when we reach out to encourage a neighbor, mow someone's yard, take a meal, make cookies as a surprise for a friend. We also can divide perennials in our gardens to give to others, gift someone a gift card for fuel, sit with a teenager and listen to them.

These are all ways to bring shelter, water, and shade to people in need. In these days there is great need all around us. A childhood friend from California mentioned the other day that milk at the corner store was almost $8.00 a gallon! People are hurting and we can help.

I'm asking God to make me sensitive to needs, and to prompt me to think of a way I can be a shelter or a stream of water to others.

I encourage you to do the same. God will meet your needs this way as well, by prompting others to think of you and a need you may have. We are his hands and feet here in the world. 


Vee said...

I know that we can always pray, but how can you help your friend in California? Do you have extra funds to keep her family in milk? What, specifically, are you suggesting?

Jan said...

Such a good reminder of what our lives should be about-thank you!

Terra said...

Beauty in the midst of an unsightly mess, I like that image. Yes, Jesus is king and we want to be streams of water for other people and encouragers, as he cares for us.

Mrs.T said...

Lovely post, Deanna. So thought-provoking and motivating. I am going to dig into that passage from Isaiah a little deeper.

Cheryl said...

I love this!! If we're bringing shelter, streams, and shade to others, we are bringing them Jesus because He alone is all of those things!! And that is truly what what our world needs . . .

Theresa said...

Love this post. We need to pray for others and be an encourager. A kind word or a smile can change someone's day:) I have sure been encouraged by the kindness of strangers. Thank you for this wonderful post and verses. Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

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