Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Let's Chat

 *note - I intended for this to publish yesterday! Since it didn't post, I am just going to add my special outing yesterday to this post!

Sarah and I spent most of the day, yesterday, together just like we did 20 years ago when she was born! We went to lunch, got shakes, came home and watched Emma with Gwenyth Paltrow. Not our favorite version but it is fun. In the middle of it she got a call from her roommate from her first year at school. Nicole lives in the great white north of Canada and they share a birthday! While they were talking I made cupcakes.

After dinner, family and a few friends joined us to celebrate her. We enjoyed ourselves, and the cupcakes! Then they played games, and at the end of the evening Kyle grabbed Sarah, picked her up and carried her to the pool, and tossed her in! She's a cheerful good sport!

Today will be a day to tidy my home after the weekend and birthday fun. I have overnight guests coming tomorrow.

Cheryl's daughter and granddaughter are coming to our area to see a dinner theater show! They'll be staying in Sarah's room. Cheryl blogs {here}. The log takes you to her newest post about their sunroom make over! It's gone from a three season room to a year round room and is lovely. 

Our daughter Emma and her husband just closed on a house in the Nashville area, and are moving in this weekend. Tim and I may go down to help. We'd likely bring Kyle, too. If we do, we'll finally get to see sweet baby Stella! 

Our co-op often hosts Mom's activities. For example, I always host the Christmas party. Yesterday we had an outing to a local historical house and garden. The gal who planned it had us all bring something to share - light, hors d'oeuvre type foods.

It was delightful to eat in the garden, near the pool. Side note - this was uphill. Very challenging for me to get too, but I did it. I'm very sore today!

I love destinations in a garden and this garden has lovely spaces to gather. A summer storm moved through so we grabbed our things and darted into the lime kilm that was near to us.

There were lovely flowers there, too. 

The storm raged pretty good but we were completely sheltered in this stone building.

On the way out I snapped a few things that caught my eye.

Gorgeous planters everywhere! The one below has an Oleander growing in it, along with Caladium and white Begonia.

I saw Plumbago growing in several areas and now must have some. I see it everywhere in Florida and assumed it wouldn't grow here. But it does and it's beautiful!

Here is Plumbago up close.

It's so pretty!

I must run, guests coming later this afternoon!



Kim said...

Looks like a lovely afternoon, even in the rain!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Fun times....

Enjoy your company....

Jan said...

The flowers are lovely and everything is so green and pretty. We are still in the midst of triple-digit temperatures and no rain in sight. We usually keep a few head of cattle to keep our place grazed down, but the grass is all dead and it costs too much for hay and feed to keep them. They went to the auction this past weekend.

Vee said...

Oh yes! Let's do chat because there is so much to chat about.

First, I am so excited that Cheryl, Becca, and Maddie are coming for a visit. I hope you lovely ladies have a wonderful visit and get a chance to be "all talked out." (That might be impossible.)

Congratulations to Emma and family for the new house. Very exciting! Laurel, alas, lost her bid. She's the first runner-up if things go south but, she has no time to allow moss to grow beneath her feet with her own closing coming up soon. Hope that you are able to go for a visit soon because, as they say, babies don't keep. 😊

The get together on the mountaintop~hilltop looks amazing. One of those planters was beyond spectacular. Will you be trying to replicate it? I'm wondering how spendy it was. Yes, I am nosy like that. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Have a blessed day!

Jean | said...

Deanna, splendid photos! Just what I needed today. I always love visiting lovely gardens.

Cheryl said...

Hope the move went well for Emma and family! I am so excited for them!

And, of course, now we know of the last minute change of plans that brought me along with Bekah and Maddie! What fun we had! You are such a gracious hostess! (If things ever slow down, I'm going to blog about our visit . . . )

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...