Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I Know It's Only Two Days Until Thanksgiving, But

 Let's talk Christmas!

In my home, Kyle likes things to be done in their proper time, and so no Christmas decor before Thanksgiving! However, with it just a few days away, let's talk about this most wonderful time of the year!

I love Christmas. Not only because it is the time we celebrate the coming of Jesus, but because of the sights and sounds of the season.

In my home I do mostly natural decor, greens, dried oranges or oranges with cloves, lights, ribbons. I love to hang garlands, and decorate my tree. I love a bit of Christmas in every room.

As the season approaches, I always take time to think through what I am going to do to make the season special for me, and also for my family. When I had lots of kids in the home, we built traditions for our family. Many we still keep and love, but some have changed. 

As a family we always go to see the lights at Herr's Snack Foods corporate campus. {here} It's a wonderful light display and it's free. We always get coffee (hot cocoa for me) and donuts, and drive through the display. We've been doing that for 28 years. We always go more than once during the season, and if you're visiting us during that time, you can bet we'll be taking you to see the lights!

Tim's birthday is Christmas Eve so the first part of the day is spent celebrating him! Lunch out with family and friends, and later we transition to opening stockings. For years we watched The Nativity Story before stockings, but this year, we might do it after. We have a lot of little grands and they get restless. Doing it after would mean that Nate and Kayleigh can take the kids home, and get the littles to bed.

As for things I will do for myself this season the number one thing is listen to Behold The Lamb of God by Russ Ramsey. {here} I bought it on Audible last year, and we listened every evening after dinner. It was excellent. This year, I plan to do the same thing. 

2. Reread Shepherds Abiding by Jan Karon. I try to do this every year.

3. Go to tea at my favorite Tea Shop.

4. Host a Christmas party for our co-op moms!

5. Listen to Christmas music, and make a new playlist.

6. Have a tea gathering at my home for friends.

7. Watch White Christmas with my girls! This year we are wanting to go see White Christmas at the Fulton in Lancaster!

8. I like to go to Terrain at Christmastime, and then swing down into Delaware and shop at Trader Joe's. 

9. Wrap gifts.

10. Use red plaid in my decorating!

My list could go on and on but I'll stop for now.

I know that this year, we are all feeling the pinch of higher prices in all areas of life. I am determined however to celebrate the coming of Christ all the more! The light of the world has come!

John 8:12 - Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Salvation has come into the world through Jesus. That is worth celebrating. 

Back tomorrow with some Thanksgiving thoughts!


Beside a babbling brook... said...

The best part of this post is, no sounds of stress!!!!! :-)))) Really!!!! Because people seem to embrace so much stress, this time of year.

And I mean embrace it. It can sound that way.

Having spent years, with Christmas stress, I finally made the necessary Rules, to eliminate it. -grin- So I guess I just don't have patience with those women, who keep having it, every year.

Sound like a "Meanie" I know. -big grin-

But hooray for you and your way!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I like to read Shepherds Abiding as well. We used to go to Rocky Ridge Park in York County for Christmas lights. Quite wonderful. Great list!

Kim said...

It all sounds great. I decided to put most of my Christmas decor up early this year, it's the first time I did it before Thanksgiving, even though I'm hosting. I did it because I wanted to be able to spend the season like you, relaxing and enjoying my way through the celebrations. I love your list and you've inspired me to make my own.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...