Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 11, 2022

Information Friday


Happy Friday, Friends.

Autumn is on the wane here in PA and while technically Autumn doesn't end until December 21st, those of us who live in the Northeast/MidAtlantic know that we will have winter weather long before then. In fact my weather app is showing a move to daytime temps in the 40's and into the 30's at night starting this weekend. 

Wednesday we have a 50% chance of snow! I'm not complaining. Oh, my no. We've had a long glorious autumn. The weather has been lovely, the trees changing color were stunning this year. What a gift!

Today, for Information Friday, I am wanting to talk about the election, whether DJT will run in 2024, and what is going on with DeSantis.

I will try to make it make sense.

The election on Tuesday was a huge red wave. It really was. Do not believe the naysayers. Remember they are not our friends. And this election brought out those who've played maga friendly but aren't.

Of course the left knows they can only win if they cheat, and cheat they did. However! We have made good strides to fix elections. Many states enacted new laws etc. These things take time!

You must remember that Rinos, and never trumpers especially, hate Trump and don't want him to be president ever again. If he had just tucked his tail between his legs, after 2020, and laid low for a while, they would have been fine with him again, and maybe even had some affection for him.

Remember how the left hated GWB? But after he was out of office, they were all buddy buddy.

Now the rinos and the MSM are all pushing DeSantis. I find this interesting because the MSM hate DeSantis. They don't like what he's done in Florida. But they want the divide the Republican Party,  and put maga down, to bring back the uniparty power.

Still with me? I hope you are. The key to 'getting' all of this is to recognize that the establishment Republicans don't like that Trump took over the party. They want it to go back to the way it was. The way it was was never good for the people. Under DJT it is all about power back to the people. Less government regulations, less taxes, less control by a central power. The Rinos are okay with those things because they are part of the central power.

The establishment Republicans (rinos) are trying to get DeSantis to run against Trump. DeSantis is popular, and has done good things in Florida. The Bushes and Paul Ryan have funneled a lot of money into his campaign. They believe that Ron could beat DJT. Here is what DJT said - 

People at first didn't understand why he said this, but when it became clear that DeSantis was being pushed by Rinos, it all made sense.

This message was for those Rinos. See, Trump is saying yes, DeSantis won big, but I won Florida bigger, and if I was running against RD then I would beat him. Do you think all the people who voted for DeSantis would vote against DJT? No way.

Trump retruthed this on Truth Social - 
Always watch and see what's happening behind the scenes, friends! People always thought that DJT just tweeted whatever came into his mind, but he didn't. They were strategic, just not always a message for everyone. 

Also take a look at those who are pushing a Desantis 2024 run -

The Lincoln Project. Never Trumpers.

Do not believe the left, the rinos, or the naysayers. I've learned a lot during the last two years. People I followed were found to not be trustworthy so I deleted them. This is a war, not with bullets, but with information. If they can keep you distressed and in a cycle of despair, they've already won. Don't fall for it!

Ron DeSantis went into the house in 2012 and was a founding member of the Freedom Caucus. It is very likely that he is playing a role right now, all designed to bring out the hidden enemy that are supposed to be on our side! Remember those posts about RD are really directed to the Rinos pushing for Trump to be put aside now.


Think about this. Why did a 42 year old man in his prime, who was Speaker of the House under DJT until 2018, decide to not run for re-election? That person? Paul Ryan. Also he was Mitt Romney's running mate in 2012. We all know how Mitt feels about DJT.

Also, Paul Ryan is related through marriage to Ketanji Brown Jackson our newest Supreme Court Justice. Read about that {here}. 

Now as to whether I think Trump will announce for 2024.

Oh yes!

It was interesting this last week, he kept hinting that he was going to make an announcement. At the Miami rally, he said tune in tomorrow. So people thought he'd make the announcement at the Ohio rally the night before the election.

I didn't think he would because, he was putting so much effort these last two years into promoting the mid terms, and I didn't believe that he would make the announcement the night before the election. Plus when I saw that Melania, Barron, Tiffany, and Ivanka were not there, I knew it wouldn't be that night.

However he did say he was going to be making an important announcement on November 15th at Mar-a-Lago. That I believe will be the announcement about his 2024 run.

Why all the teasing? Well, remember how he sends messages to the deep state or the rinos, I believe he was beginning to draw the rinos out. He knew they'd be pushing DeSantis. And he wanted them to expend effort and perhaps get them off kilter a bit.

Then there is this kind of talk going on online.

I've not seen him say anything about who will be his running mate in 2024, but I do know he has said in the past it will not be Mike Pence.

Well, I hope you were able to stay with me. Feel free to ask questions. If you are a no reply commenter just send me your email and I will be happy to respond that way!

Have a great weekend!


Beside a babbling brook... said...

If you read my last post, you know how I feel. To each their own views of course. We both certainly want our Beloved Country to be wrested back from the Liberal Woke Dems. We differ on how to go about it.

Simply gorgeous table!!!!!!!!

Many gentle hugs

Vee said...

Oh I agree with Babbling (I'll never get used to calling her that)—your table is so pretty. It looks like the quintessential autumn table just waiting for Thanksgiving.

Now that I have had time to think, I have calmed down since Wednesday morning. Not one bit happy that the moonbat in Augusta is still there, but have to trust God. I know that you have many concerns for your state as I'm sure that Babbling does for New York.

Thank you for digging for the good news. We certainly have learned a lot in the six years since 2016. Trusting God day by day...sometimes it gets down to minute by minute. Who would ever have thought that Mr. Pence would turn out to be what he is. ๐Ÿคจ

Who knows where another week will take us? One thing about living in dangerous times like's never dull.

ellen said...

Hi Deanna! What a great post. I also wondered if the reason they are pushing a rift between DJT and Desantis is to divide the Rep. party. They are so desperately trying to do anything to stop the Patriots. Pure Panic. Wouldn't it be great if when DJT announces he's running, he names Desantis as VP. That would certainly put a wrench in their story! I agree with Vee and Babbling, your table is lovely.

Thankful for Grace said...

Hi Deanna, although I am no longer blogging, I do try to visit my old blog friends occasionally. It's been ages since I have been by. This is a very insightful post, and I am going to be sure to pop by every week for more of your great insight. I must admit, I am coming off Page Trump. I am weary of the name-calling. This past week it was, first, Ron DeSantis, then Glen Youngkin. I just don't understand why he has to behave like a 5-year old. My state (Idaho) is one with an entire Washington delegation of Republicans, although I deem 3 of the 4 of them as "establishment" politicians, whom I voted against in the Primary. As a Christian, I remind myself continually that God puts rulers in place. Even with cheating, absolutely nothing can happen that he does not allow. So, I just need to trust him through it and, of course, seek Him for wisdom.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Although Babbling is quite a good name for me......... How about "Miss BB"?


Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...