Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

I've Got Plenty To Be Thankful For


This song makes me think of all the things we have to be Thankful for!

Sarah and her friend Annie arrived safely last night. Another girl Ruth drove up with them and they dropped her off at her home which is about 10 minutes from our house! I'm thankful.

Today, Tim, our friend Denny, Kyle, Sarah, and Annie are on their way to sight see in NYC! Denny lived there for years. It's a fun time of year to be in the Big Apple. We are trusting God for safety and a good time. It is Kyle's first time going and Annie's. Sarah was a young girl the last time she was there. 

We are on a short school break so my time is my own today. I'll work on a chocolate pie for tomorrow, and maybe and English Apple pie. 

My table decor tomorrow will be some mums in jars, a pumpkin or two, and some white taper candles. Cloth napkins, my Johnson Brothers Friendly Village plates, silverplate flatware, and pretty cups.

We always do a buffet with the food. I'm thankful for my 9 foot long counter! That may require relocating the Keurig and the mugs, however. We'll see.

I enjoy Thanksgiving and sitting down all together to share what we are thankful for, and to thank the Lord for his many blessings.

I'm enjoying a Vintage Thanksgiving Playlist on YT right now. You can find it {here}. This one is nice, too.

This is a hymn called In Heavenly Love Abiding. My friend Jane shared it with me a few years ago. May it be an encouragement and a blessing to you.

In Heavenly Love Abiding

  1. In heav’nly love abiding,
    No change my heart shall fear;
    And safe is such confiding,
    For nothing changes here.
    The storm may roar without me,
    My heart may low be laid,
    But God is round about me,
    And can I be dismayed?
  2. Wherever He may guide me,
    No want shall turn me back;
    My Shepherd is beside me,
    And nothing can I lack.
    His wisdom ever waketh,
    His sight is never dim;
    He knows the way He taketh,
    And I will walk with Him.
  3. Green pastures are before me,
    Which yet I have not seen;
    Bright skies will soon be o’er me,
    Where darkest clouds have been.
    My hope I cannot measure,
    My path to life is free;
    My Savior has my treasure,
    And He will walk with me.

Anna L. Waring

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


Vee said...

If I weren't such a scaredy cat, I'd love to visit NYC at this time of year. May the happy crew from your house have lots of fun! It will make a wonderful memory for Kyle, Sarah, and Annie.

Sounds as if this means your day is going to be a good one for accomplishing those Thanksgiving tasks. (I did enjoy the vintage music.)

Have a great Thanksgiving Day!

ellen b. said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Kim said...

Ah NYC, it is a fun time to visit, especially since the weather has warmed up a bit. I hope they had fun and you all have a lovely Thanksgiving!

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