Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

My Favorite Wreath


I don't know if I can say it's my favorite, as I really like all the wreaths I make. It's like your children - you love them all, but each one is unique.

I used this wreath last year in the same place but I changed out the silver bell, for this set of four brass bells.

Have you begun to decorate for Christmas? I've seen some amazing home tours, but as the years go by, I've come to the simple style I love. Garland and lights, ribbon, greens tucked here and there. 

We had to move a chair out of the living room to put the tree in, so we played a bit of musical chairs. We moved the old chair out of our room and into the basement, and put the wingback from the living room into our bedroom. I like the way the wingback looks in my bedroom, but it will need to move back into the living room at the end of the season. 

It's going to be a quiet home day today. Tim and my dad have colds, the little girls have colds and are staying home. It's rainy, too. 

I'm going to use the day to dehydrate orange slices for the co-op Christmas party on Friday, and tomorrow I'm helping decorate at church. Saturday we are going to see 'I Heard The Bells' Sight and Sound's first motion picture! It's playing in theaters starting this weekend. You can find out more {here}. We know several people who were involved in this film, some in the acting, some in the production end.

If you get the opportunity, it would be worth seeing.


Kim said...

Your wreath is lovely, I get it, it is hard to pick a favorite when you start creating them! I tend to have different favorites from year to year...

Vee said...

Oh that movie does look worth seeing. Longfellow's story is certainly a compelling one. Thank you for telling about it.
Your wreath is so nice and the bronze bells just make it.

Linda said...

That's a beautiful wreath! Thank you for the link to I Heard the Bells..... said...

I checked on Spotify and they now have some of the songs/music from "I heard the Bells" . I do like that song also for Christmas.

A Joyful Cottage said...

A very pretty wreath, Deanna. I love the brass bells. The movie looks so good. I'd love to see it, but the show times here don't work with my schedule. Guess I'll have to wait until it comes out in DVD. :( xo

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