Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

First Holiday Decor Is Up!

Two years ago we took an Pinterest idea and used it.  We strung icicle lights in our hallway.  We put them up before Thanksgiving and left them there through February.

We loved the way they looked, making a dark hallway brighter and cheery.

Last year we needed new strings of lights and with Emma's wedding we just didn't get any lights hung up and we missed them.

This year, I got new lights, and Tim hung them the other evening.

We didn't have that tail of lights before (these strings have more lights on them) but we don't mind.  The hallway looks cheerful and fun.

This was the first step toward Christmas decor.  For those who may have missed that post, we are decorating early since we will be out of town before Thanksgiving and when we get back I have a big Christmas tea at my church that I am in charge of.  It is four days after we return.

I am working hard to be organized and ready for the holidays and the tea, and our 9 day trip, so that we can enjoy the season (our favorite time of year) with little to no stress!

For those of you who have already celebrated your Thanksgiving or are from countries that don't do an official Thanksgiving day, when do you begin your Christmas/holiday decorating?


Sandi said...


Vee said...

It really does brighten up the hall! Looks wonderful...

Lorrie said...

We already celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada, and I like to wait until at least December to begin decorating. I'm of the mind that Advent is a slow build up of heart and home to the celebration of Christ's birth, and as such, decorating happens slowly - first the Advent calendars and Nativity sets, then the other things. For us (our family) the celebration begins on Christmas Eve and carries on from there - Advent is preparation. And we like to leave our decorations up until after New Year's, at least. We also always have a real tree and we don't want it to be dry and crumbling before the big day. But when I see photos of others decorating early, I get lots of ideas!

Linda said...

It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love fairie lights!!!

Cheryl said...

That is so cheerful and cozy!! I'll bet you enjoy it just as much as the winter wears on. I think we need an extra dose of cheer in January...and in February!

Terri said...

I decorated early this year, because of company coming early thru the holiday and to avoid the time crunch after husband and I loved having the Christmas trees and the sparkle shining as we watched election results on Tuesday. Last year, my mom was in the hospital in December and it was so nice coming back home on Christmas Eve to the beauty of Christmas. Thanks for sharing.

Sherry said...

oh hey i ♥ this idea!
gives me an idea to do something
similar now that the hubs put in a
light socket in a particular place
in the hallway. thank you!

podso said...

What a great way to brighten the hallway and bring light! It looks great.

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