Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Haircut Time

Off early for a haircut, this Monday morning.  I am overdue, and I am looking forward to it!

Sarah is going to get her bangs trimmed.  

Praying for our nation as we come to election time.  


Linda said...

Louis Dean and I have made a pact to NOT look at the news until Tuesday. We have the quads tomorrow so this should not be hard! Then Tuesday I have Goodwill, a movie and art to do so hopefully the day will pass well.
We will need pics!!!
I cut my own bangs......much to the dismay of my hairdresser!

Vee said...

I was just thinking that I wish my hairdresser were open Mondays. Yes, praying, but then I have been praying all along. We need extra mercies...

Theresa said...

I need a haircut too, can I ride along:) Enjoy your day dear Deanna! HUGS!

Sherry said...

i cut my own hair - have for years.
it's longish to fairly easy .. though
i've been thinking on a shorter do as of late.

Pam Richardson said...

Deanna, Yes, we are praying for our country! Blessings, Pam @ Everyday Living

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