Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

This And That

I'm in a chatty mood this morning, but I have to take Sarah to her voice lesson soon, so I thought I'd just chat.

One thing you may not know about me is that I am NOT an organized person by nature.  I also like to be spontaneous.  This can lead to not accomplishing some things until the last minute!  Case in point - I have an article due today, for our state homeschooling magazine, that is not written yet, except in my head!  This is very common for me - I ponder, I pray, I write in my head.  When I write it when I get back from Sarah's lesson, it will flow pretty easily and it won't take long to finish it.  

My friend Susanna (and Lindsay's mother in law) sent me some photos from the Fall Fest.  One of the younger boys took them, and I think they are good.

I was so impressed he took photos of the food tables, but he is a growing boy, so maybe he was showing us his priorities!  Thank you Peter, for the photos!

Susanna has also posted the video of the rest of the house addition .  This will show you the rest of what we planned, and shopped for.  I'd also like to say that I am going to share tea in her cozy spot this Thursday evening!  Can't wait!

Sarah is taking a cooking class at co-op and made dinner last night.  It was Chicken Tortilla Soup, the recipe was the Pioneer Woman's, with a few tweaks, but its our favorite.  It was delicious!

Lindsay and Joseph are back from a road trip out west!  They have some awesome photos and stories to tell!

And last but not least - 

 Emma made this funny meme of Isla last night!

And here is my Klaire girl on Saturday!
They are both three weeks old now!

Have a great day!


Cheryl said...

Glad you took time for a little chat! I love chatty posts!

Those baby girls are growing! They're so precious!

I love that your young friend took photos of the food table! :D

Carrie said...

Love the PW tortilla soup recipe! We tweak it too. Love seeing your many fall celebrations & decorations. Today we Anglicans celebrate All Saints Day, which I love because it reminds me of the worldwide church, people like you whom I've never met but who nonetheless encourage me to keep running the race! Happy November 1st.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Christopher is not a photographer but he just might take a photo of FOOD! ;)

Piper just rolled over for the first time. I can't believe she will soon be four months old.

Vee said...


Peter, a little guy, did all that? Impressive photography picking up the important things, including that great pic of Tim.

A happy week to you...

Rebecca said...

So glad to be at this end of your chat! I took time to look at the video of the room addition, too. So interesting. So intentional...

Tammy said...

What a fun gathering! I love tortilla soup as well (we may have soup tonight, actually), and your grands are gorgeous!

Linda said...

Loved getting a chance to catch up with you! At the ranch I had very limited data and got behind!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...