Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Preparing For A Tea Party

For weeks now I have been preparing for our Ladies Tea at church. I host every year and love doing it.  It's so fun for me to think up ideas and to see how they work out.

This year, I was going a direction based on a roll of ribbon that Rachel found, but then we were at Christmas Tree Shops and saw some vintage looking globe ornaments.  We were both really taken with them, and that is when I thought we could do a "Christmas Around The World" theme!

We are doing the table centerpieces with items from different countries.  Peru, Holland, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Ukraine, Senegal are the ones we are doing.  Each guest will get a ornament to take home and a handout of traditions from other countries, also as a take home item.  We also have a guest speaker this year, author and speaker Karen Andreola.

Tomorrow I begin the process of packing up my tea cups and glass luncheon plates to take to the church, and we will set up the tables tomorrow evening.

I'll take lots of photos, as always, and will share them with you for Friday.


podso said...

Globes seem to be the thing now--and maps are popular too. I was at a dinner recently--I guess you would call it a banquet--and the tables were decorated with globes. If I can find a picture I'll send it to you. It sounds like you have some great ideas. Of course I love a global theme!

Miss Dishywoo said...

What a good theme - Christmas Around the World. I like those globe ornaments a lot, too. I see why you chose them. You never know what is going to be the inspiration for an idea. Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.

Vee said...

Oh how sweet! Makes me want to run to the Christmas Tree Shop, if it weren't forty miles away! =D

Vee said...

That comment flew off long before I was finished. Also planned to say that I love your Christmas ladies' teas. All the best with your planning, preparations, and time spent in fellowship!

Pam said...

Wonderful idea for your tea. The ornaments are so lovely and unique.

Also, I made your slow cooked turkey this year for the 2nd time. This time for "guests" as well as our own large family, and EVERYONE (the woman) all wanted your "recipe" and plan to cook their turkeys the slow roast method next year! Thank you again for re-posting the recipe.

Cheryl said...

Isn't it funny how inspiration strikes?! I can certainly see how these little globe ornaments inspired! Your ladies' tea is going to be wonderful! (I so wish I could come, but we have an event-filled weekend.)

Sylvia said...

Sounds like a fun Tea Party!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The tea sounds exciting and I like the theme, looking forward to your photos.


  This weekend was fun. I went to tea with co-op friends, at one of their houses. It was open to all moms. It was a wonderful time of fellow...