Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 24, 2016


I hope your longing souls are satisfied and your hungry souls filled with good things.


Sandi said...


This was the most wonderful Thanksgiving post I have read today. Thank you.

Rebecca said...

Oh, yes! He has been and IS so faithful!

Vee said...

He has never failed me.

Sherry said...

though mere man or woman may (and will) fail ..
He is always faithful. He will never leave
nor forsake. great is HIS faithfulness!

Charm and Grace said...

Beautiful scripture and good reminder of His provision and love. I popped over from your link on The Inspired Room. I have recently begun blogging after a couple of years' hiatus. Glad to find your beautiful blog and encouragement.

Christi from Charm & Grace Cottage

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