Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Vacation Prep

We have our last co-op day, for this semester, today and tomorrow we head out to see our kids in South Carolina, then down to Florida for Thanksgiving with Tim's mom.

I have not packed yet, and I have some things I want to tidy up so our great housesitters don't have to deal with my 'stuff', but by tomorrow morning, I'll be ready to hit the road!

We have quite a crew going.  My parents and Nate, Kay and the girls are coming along.

We have a lot of fun planned, including the beach and Kennedy Space Center.

I'll post from Florida.  It looks like the weather is going to be great this coming week, but we've had lovely weather here, too.

Have a great day!


Sylvia said...

Your sky photo's are gorgeous!

podso said...

have a good trip!

Sherry said...

beautiful picture!!!
excited for your time away
and that you get to see your
little south carolina grandbaby.

Vee said...

Happy trails to you... Happy packing first. Everyone must be getting so excited!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Nice to have a group of family travelling together for visits and Thanksgiving.

Karen said...

Have a wonderful trip!

Unknown said...

Have a great safe trip. Happy Thanksgiving!

Theresa said...

Oh that sounds like LOTS of fun! Enjoy your time with the family, sending Thanksgiving HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Sue said...

Stopping by to say "hi" and to wish you and your dear family a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving, and also have a safe and blessed vacation!

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