Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 29, 2017

A Peek At The Rearranging

We don't usually have the tv in the living room, since we only use it for movies.  It's usually in our bedroom sitting area.  Because our friend will be recouperating and staying in the master bedroom suite, we moved the tv to the living room, so we can feel free to watch a movie anytime.

Of course moving the tv has lead to rearranging the sitting area of the master.  The tv and cabinet are usually along the wall where the couch is.  

 I'm trying to decide if I hang something on the wall, or leave it blank since this is only a temporary move.  Of course, seasons of life change, and you never know, we may leave the tv in the living room.  

This will be my last post for the year, as I'm leaving on my anniversary trip tomorrow!

I've been blogging for 10 years, and am so thankful for the friendships and sisterhood that are a huge part of Creekside Cottage!

Happy New Year, friends, and may you know God's goodness in the coming year.


Theresa said...

Enjoy your trip! Stop in Georgia and take me with you:) I would hang something over the sofa even if with those removable strips! BUT, I just can't handle a blank wall:) Enjoy your day, safe travels and HAPPY NEW YEAR! HUGS!

podso said...

Per your fb question, IMHO, if you have something you can hang with a very small nail, and that would be pleasing for your recovering patient to look at. I'd hang it. On the other hand, men don't usually care about such things. He actually may spend more time lying on the couch so won't see it anyway. Either way, it's kind of you to care for him during his recovery. Wishing you a wonderful anniversary celebration!

Buttercup said...

Enjoy your trip and happy anniversary! I've not been blogging quite so long, but so grateful for the friendships I've found around the world. I'm so looking forward to meeting one of my blog buddies in Australia next month. Happy and healthy wishes!

Cheri said...

So very kind of you to care for your friend. Have a great trip - and yes, I would put something on that wall too. :)

Kim said...

Ten years! That's amazing! Congratulation to you and enjoy your anniversary trip! I think the place looks great. :)

Sabrina said...

Not sure when you are traveling but I am praying for you as the weather has taken a turn for the worst. God speed to you and your family. said...

Yes, put something on the wall with those "Command" hooks, as another reader suggested. Maybe some kind of basket/woven mat/natural material even. You've been busy. Safe travels back to PA.
And you are so nice to take care of someone else.

Home Keeping

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