Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, December 17, 2017

One More Week

Are you getting excited?  I am!  I've been enjoying my preparations for our Christmas celebration.  I have just a few things to pick up, then Friday when I get my groceries, I'll also pick up some special treats and food items that we will enjoy on Christmas day.

I've been wrapping gifts, and ordering things.  I've been knitting, and listening to music, and baking.

I love this time of year.

This year is also special because all our kids and grands will be here on Christmas Day, and they'll be here to celebrate Tim's birthday the day before!  My parents will be here too, and it will be fun to watch the little girls toddle around the house, talk and laugh with the older kids and enjoy each other.

Tim spent this weekend helping our friends get their plumbing and other things hooked up in their new modular home.  These dear ones have been living in camping trailers on their property.  They thought they were just going to tear walls down inside the old house on the property to make the home more open and updated.  Well, they ended up with foundation issues, so they decided to tear it completely down and order a modular home.

The weather this last week, was very cold, and the hoses to their camping trailers (for running water) froze.  Its been tough going this past week and they have had to put their gym membership to good use, and shower at the gym!

The house was delivered this last week, and now the company is finishing up work on the inside, an electrician has been there and they are working on getting the bathrooms and kitchen all hooked up to the well and septic system.

Furniture comes on Thursday and hopefully they'll be able to start living in it by the weekend!  Will you pray for that with us!  Its been a long haul for them.  One of their girls has come to stay with us for a few days, Tim will keep helping out as he is able, I'm going up on Thursday to help place furniture and get things moved in.

I'm hoping the have their first Christmas in the house this year!

Emma, Vinnie, and Isla arrive this week, we are going out for a company dinner on Wednesday, more baking will take place, and we'll be celebrating Tim's birthday this coming Sunday!

The following week is going to be special too, and I'll tell you all about that in a few days!

How are your Christmas plans going?


Cheryl said...

Sounds like your week is going to be full! And full of joy!!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I'm finally on track again. The two eye specialist appointments are behind me, as are having to take the steroid eye drops. This week I need to do the baking ahead for whatever can be frozen then baked. Christopher and Melissa and Piper will be here on Sunday for a Christmas Eve dinner mid-day. This year they have to travel to her parents on Christmas Eve so we both thought mid-day would be good and they can get back on the road before dark. Christmas will be just the two of us as usual but that's fine. Leftovers!

podso said...

Your week sounds so full and fun--good things!

Home Keeping

   Friday, while out running a few errands, I decided to stop by a local garden center. I get a lot of plants from them every year, especial...