Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry On!

I’m borrowing this phrase from Vee - it suits my thinking!

We had a very good day yesterday.  Lots of cheer with the kids, the grandgirlies, and my parents all here.  Our friend Denny was with us, too!

This week there’ll be movies, and other fun.

Next week Tim and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary.  Not sure how that happened because in my mind I’m only 30 years old!


Rebecca said...

Such fun! (I like the stockings photo!)

Vee said...

☺️ I may need to pace myself with my merrying on, but there is more yet starting tomorrow with having the grandboys. Your peeps look beautiful and your time together a delight. The little grandgirlies are too adorable for words. Big sis~cousin looks most attentive and helpful.

Kim said...

Those girls are just darling! Merry on, I say, for as long as you can! And hahaha...I still think that I'm 30, too. If only! 😉

Linda said...

Love the socks pic!!! Yes, MERRY ON!!!!

Cheryl said...

Everyone looks merry at your house!! Love the socks too! Yes, merry on, everyone! (Love Vee's phrase!) :D

Theresa said...

Well what a cute picture of those two little ones! LOVE the festive sock pic too:) Have a blessed day and Happy Early 30th Anniversary! HUGS!

Cheri said...

Looks like such a fun time! Savor every moment!

Cheri said...

Glad to see that you are blogging again Vee. I had a terrible time commenting on blogs for the better part of a year but whatever was wrong seems now to be fixed. You are apparently not accepting comments, though? Love your cozy Christmas picture.

Estelle's said...

Congratulations on 30 years! Celebrate!!! The babies are so cute Deanna...they must have been adorable for Christmas day...warm hugs!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...