Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 4, 2017

Christmas Tea Plans

We usually have the tea at church, but this year I am hosting it in my home.  We have a small group of about 20 ladies attending and since I use all of my tea things for the teas, I won't have to haul teacups, plates, teapots, creamers and sugar bowls, spoons, to the church!  The tea is Thursday evening.

Holiday Tree Vintage Teacups Ruby Lane                                                                                                                                                                                 More

Isn't this cute?  I think I may do a version of this for the tea.  I have just the right small counter top tree, and I could tie the cups on with ribbon.  Then the ladies could choose their cup off the tree, find the matching saucer and they'd be set for tea!

I'll let you know if I do it! 

We are just back from New York.  We went on a campus visit with Rachel and a Bible school she is going to attend next fall.  It was a quick trip.  Drove up Saturday and came home on Sunday.  We had a good time together.  Its special to see your kids grow and follow God's plan for their lives.

What are you doing this week?  Do you host events at the holidays?


Rebecca said...

What a nice idea, Deanna!
Re: hosting events....currently focusing on several one-on-one "events". I find pleasure in these...

Kim said...

That is adorable! Love it, it's so charming!

Jaybird said...

This is wonderful and makes a beautiful tree. Be SURE to weight the base WELL. Don't ask me why :^( If you can tie it to something it would be a good idea!! Have a wonderful time with your tea...wish I could be there to help you!

Information Friday

  Yesterday, my parents celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Tim and I took them on a short road trip to Havre de Grace and we enjoyed...