Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Making Spirits Bright

The cheerfulness of the lights and greenery we use at Christmas time, really helps make the season special.

 A bit of cheer in the master bedroom

Here is another view.  I make this plaid scotty garland last year!

I delight in making 'spirits bright' at Christmas.  I have had such an enjoyable time, ordering gifts, popping into shops, looking for things that have meaning for the people I love.

I sent a package or two, lots of family photo Christmas cards, I've baked dozens of cappuccino muffins, and brownies to give as gifts.

I know there are people who do not enjoy the holiday if they don't have children or grandchildren, but I think that we can create a lot of joy of the season for others if we will reach out and find someone who needs cheer.

Our world is in need of hope, and we know the ultimate source of hope - God's gift to the world - Jesus.  Let's try to remember year round that people need to know about the hope that is within us.

I want my light to shine, not just at Christmas time, but all year.  I want to put action behind my words, and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

You can go here  to see a short film called The Shepherd. is producing a multi-season series based on the life of Christ called The Chosen.  This episode shows the despair of one life - one who longed to know God, and how he was rejected because of his position in life.  It shows how that was all changed due to the birth of Christ.


Elizabethd said...

Our world is indeed in need of hope. Every time I watch the News programmes I feel sadness for our world.
How pretty your house must be looking.

Vee said...

You are a bright loght, my friend! Always doing and serving and having fun at it, too!

Estelle's said...

I just love this little vignette favorite one this year! Indeed you always provide hospitality and a warm welcome! Have a great day and happy baking!!!

Theresa said...

You are a blessing to me and we need to strive to be a blessing to others ALL YEAR:) Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

Rebecca said...

"Hope" is my father's favorite word this Christmas season :)
And I so agree about the place of "light" (and Light) and "brightness" now and throughout the year....
Merriest of Christmases to you, Deanna ♥

podsoita said...

You sound like me ten years ago. I've slowed down a bit but am learning to adjust to the seasons of life. There is so much joy in the beauty around us at this time of year. All part of the celebration for the King!

Kim said...

What a wonderful sentiment and a beautiful bedroom tree. Merry Christmas Deanna!

Melissa G said...

We loved receiving your family photo Christmas card! You are all now on our fridge. I love seeing your faces when I reach for the milk. :)

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...