Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I've Been Shopping, Have You?

Mostly online, but some local shopping, too.  Today we may go to one of my favorite stores for inspiration - Terrain.  We also will pop down to Trader Joe's.  Both of these stores are about an hour away from us, so we don't go as often as we'd like.

I just placed an Old Navy order - I had Old Navy cash to use, and the clearance and sales were good.

I have purchased almost everyone's gifts now, but I'm still looking for my parents' gifts, Tim (he has a birthday on the 24th!), Nate, and Kay, Lindsay and Joseph.  That's still a lot of shopping to do.  We are of the less is good, kind of gift givers.  We like meaningful gifts, and we don't do debt for gift giving.

We buy books, games, clothes, gift cards, chocolate....chocolate is always a good thing!

Tomorrow, I'll post about Christmas stocking stuffer ideas.

So, tell me how your shopping is going?  Are you done?  Do you make your gifts?  Shop online?  Let's chat in the comments!


Elizabethd said...

You wouldn't want to go shopping here. The shops are heaving with people buying so much 'stuff'. I've made some, grown some and bought some gifts. All done now!

Vee said...

Have a wonderful time shopping!

It’s fun to shop in real stores, though I do most of my shopping online these days. I am nearly finished, but am having a challenging time rounding out the grands’ gifts. Pajamas, new Bibles, a family game, and something else... Kyle have any ideas?

I don’t envy you the stocking stuffers!

podso said...

All done thanks to the convenience of DIL's organized Amazon wish lists. I give the kids one present and then a sort of stocking stuffer from Santa (when they come to our house for presents, so there's no stockings here.)
So they always ask what this present "from Santa" is about. I guess that's what my mother did and history repeats.

Theresa said...

I have shopped, mostly on-line:). Chocolate and nuts are always good gifts, I always buy extra for myself:). Enjoy your evening dear friend. Hugs

Sylvia said...

I am about half finished, need to get busy but it cold her. This weekend it will be in the 30"s

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Our stores get very crowded, too! I just choose to not participate in buying everything! We choose what we are going to give and stick to it.

My goal is to enjoy Christmas, the tree, the lights, the story of the Nativity, to enjoy celebrating HIS coming! Not be stressed out. By keeping to my plan I am able to do this!

So glad you're done!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Rachel and I had a good time together. We had some inspiration, we did a bit of shopping, we had lunch.

I love buying for the stockings - lip balm, tissue packets, socks, candy, earbuds...

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That's great that your dil is so organized. I keep most of it in my head, so heaven help my family if I ever lose my memory!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I've done a lot online! Its amazing, but I do love to shop for some things locally.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That is cold! Maybe you could order the rest online?

bj said...

I do most of my shopping online. love it...and I am almost finished

Lorrie said...

We are mostly finished. I still need to get something else for Tim, but he told me he's done with mine. I'm stitching a few things that need completion, but there's time yet. Haven't done stocking stuffers yet. We are also of the less is more persuasion. And we all give lists to each other so that we can give what people want. Sometimes there are surprises, as well.

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