Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A Comment And Some Questions

I received a comment, on a post from last week, from a reader who has commented in the past. Her comments have always been kind and this one is as well. She's just had quite the experience with Cov*d and knows others who have as well.

Jo said this:

"Please don’t take Covid or its effects lightly, my daughter had it twice, the first time she was really sick and lost her sense of smell for six months, more disabling that you would realise. The second time at the end of pregnancy and my granddaughter was born very sick and needed iv antibiotics. I had it early on and developed sepsis and total organ failure, I was a fit and well fifty six year old and I now have severe heart failure and needed a device fitted plus lots of drugs to keep me alive. My friend’s sister also had it twice and died the second time. It’s upsetting when people talk about it being just a virus or like a bad cold when my life has been completely ruined by it. Also if you study up on ivermectin, long term use can cause liver failure so it’s not some wonderful solution. No bad feelings but it’s not something to just be brushed aside. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your nearest and dearest."

Jo is a no-reply commenter and I cannot respond personally to her, but Jo if you read this know that I am very sorry for what you have experienced with this virus, and I will pray for you. It is not that I take it lightly, but I believe that this virus is not being treated in a way that truly helps those who have bad cases of it.

Your comment, along with research I have done, has lead me to some questions. I'd appreciate it so much if you all would comment and answer these questions.

1. Did you have cov*d and if so, what was your illness like?

2. Did you take any of the supplements that are recommended such as zinc, quercetin, vitamin c, vitamin d? Did you take hcq or ivermectin?

3. Do you know anyone who has been hospitalized with cov*d?

4. Do you know anyone who has died as a result of cov*d only?

5. Were they jabbed?

6. Have you been jabbed? 

7. Have you had both shots and the booster?

8. Do you wear a mask? 

Friends, I appreciate you all. I, personally, have grave concerns regarding the jab, but I believe strongly in your right to take it if you chose to do so. I do not believe in forcing the jab or in punishing those who chose to not take it.

Dr. Peter McCullough estimates that VAERS (vaccine adverse events reporting system) is underreported by a factor of '4 to 5.' However here is the latest numbers that VAERS has published.

983,756 Adverse Events

108,572 Hospitalizations

107,869 Urgent Care

12,317 Bell's Palsy

10,429 Heart Attacks

20,560 Myocarditis

34,615 Permanently Disabled

20,622 Deaths

Yesterday I read about a lot of people who have died recently. They were not all elderly, they were not all in bad health. Many were in good health. Several of the write ups mentioned that they had recently had their booster, but not all did. You can read {here}about a reporter for the New York Times died Friday at age 49.

In Europe, in four different countries, they lost four footballers to heart attacks this past week! There is over a hundred that have died in this last year, many collapsing on the field. The leagues are concerned but no one will mention the one thing they all have in common. The jab. You can read about one of the players deaths {here}.

Here in the US, basketball teams are starting to use their unjabbed players because their jabbed ones have come down with cov*d. One player said that the league has stopped testing their jabbed players, so they are only out of the game if they are sick, not asymptomatic. The healthy unjabbed players were benched, and have to be tested multiple times a week. Does this make sense?

All of these issues have me questioning many things.

We know someone who died of  pneumonia related to cov*d. He had a predisposition to lung issues, and was only offered the standard treatment. He was the father of 11 children, some still quite young. We are grieved over his loss!

This story is amazing! This man visiting family in the US contracted cov*d and was given the standard treatment as he got worse. His family fought in the courts, against the hospital, to allow him to receive ivermectin since he was dying. He recovered! {here}

Ivermectin is not needed long term for cov*d. The treatment is only about 5 days. Usually the patient is better before the week is up.  

{Here}is an article on our bodies making antibodies for decades after recovering from the virus.

When the Great Barrington Declaration came out last year, I thought it was a sensible way to handle the virus. You can read about it {here}. The names of the doctors and scientists who've signed it show they are top in their fields. Many have had their reputations destroyed and careers ruined over it.

I have so many concerns. Friends, I don't mean for this post to divide us. I'm praying for everyone about this whole situation. I want the truth to be known, but I am also afraid that many won't be able to handle the truth.

If you'll answer my posted questions, I'd appreciate it!


Vee said...

Oh I do not feel comfortable answering your questions in such a public forum, but they are very interesting ones and I can see why you'd like to know. One thing that truly disturbs me is that standard methods of treatment are being denied. Too few z-paks being prescribed for pneumonias, etc. In 2019, I received a z-pak for bronchitis heading towards pneumonia and was very grateful when it kicked in. What a relief! I can only imagine people struggling FOR NO GOOD REASON. The medical community has a lot of explaining to do. Unethical, unconscionable, heinous decisions being made by them. I could go on, but I'll spare you.

Jan said...

We had Covid back in October of 2020. I lost my sense of smell and taste completely and they still aren't 100%. For us it was very similar flu that we have had in the past-bad upper respiratory infection, extreme weakness and bad body aches. Ran a high fever for one day. The only supplements we took were vitamins C and D. We didn't take any other medicine, mainly because it wasn't available. Took about a month to feel back to normal. We decided to have the 2 jabs this spring and had what we thought was probably a breakthrough case of Delta variant in July, but didn't get tested. We had a booster in October. We never had an adverse reaction to it-I was a lot sicker with the shingles vaccine. Our Son in law and granddaughter who were vaccinated, but not boosted got Covid in November and our 9 year old unvaccinated son got it. They were flu-ish for a few days. Our vaxxed daughter, vaxxed oldest granddaughter and us were around them everyday and didn't get a breakthrough case. We live in Texas and don't wear masks-we haven't since last year. We have lost a number of friends and family to Covid, but I don't know if they were vaxxed or not. Some were old, some were young and some had health problems. I honestly think that genetics play a large part in how your body reacts to the virus-thus, the varied reactions and severities of the cases that sometimes don't make any sense.I wish good treatments had been prioritized as well as vaccines, but unfortunately, the whole thing has been politicized from the beginning, and the release of the virus was, in my opinion, intentional. Sorry this is so long.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

1. We have not had it. One son and one grand daughter (22) did. Son very, very sick for weeks. Grand daughter not sick long. Grand son (senior in college) was forced to get "the Jab." And he still got IT, but not sick for long.

2. We take Zinc and Vitamin D, which our doctor said to. Our wonderful, healthy, young 61 year old... Who will not take "Jab" and has been forced to retire. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

3. No, not personally.

4. One man, but do not know if it was only C*vid.

5. Don't know.

6. Being in our 80's, yes we got the 2 Pfizer shots. But not till end of summer.

7. 2 shots. No booster.

8. Mask only when forced to do so, doc offices for instance.

As you well know, I have been following non-political-information for months. -smile-

I suggest you subscribe (free) to Alex Berenson on Substack. He has all the latest non-political-information.

Including that Uncle Joe has *kicked the ball* down, to the States. Good if you live in a Red State. Awful if you (like we do) live in a Blue State with a totally 'woke' Gov. :-((((((

And..... now Denmark has proved that the Omicron (pronounced Immacold) variant, is not terrible. Read it in his Substack,

Happy New Year!

GrammaGrits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Theresa said...

We have not had it but you know I lost my oldest Sister Barbara to COVID in February:( I am SO tired of it all and SO sorry for Jo and her family being sick. I will pray for them all. Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

Terra said...

I think this post is factual and thoughtful. I heard Dr. Peter McCullough interviewed and he pointed out statistics showing 70 percent of new Covid cases in the US are of vaccinated people. Also, I have read that many people take Ivermectin by prescription for decades for malaria prevention and it is safe long term for that use. I have been researching how many deaths have been caused by Omicron worldwide, and W.H.O as of last week said 20 deaths, suggesting this new variant is much more mild. Happy New Year to all, and be well.

Mrs.T said...

Like Vee, I don't feel entirely comfortable answering in such a public forum. However, I will send you an email with my answers so that you can factor them into your research. I don't take the virus lightly -- I do know people who have died *with* it -- but I will say that I agree with you on all points. I pray that things turn around soon in our country.

anne said...

I normally do not answer but this got my attentiion. We in our house have not had COVID, we have taken supplements for years c,d, b12 and zinc only for a short time and not during the last 5 yrs. My 29 yr old son had it last year at Christmas with no underlying conditions healthy as could be in fact he was put on bipap and still almost died he spent two weeks in ICU and is considered a long hauler now with many issues from the illness. I personally know several who passed from it and were health and still fairly young. These all took place before the shots. We were masks as my sweet hubs is very immune compromised and we have done this before the illness as he battles cancer. We are vaccinated in our household and all had the booster accept our 15 yr old daughter as none is available for her. Honestly all our married children have had the shot. I pray daily for everyone who is suffering from this as I seen with my son how horrible it is. I pray that one day this will go away and life will be back to normal. Oh by the way we live in a red state and when my son was sick they didn't give monoclonal antibodies till we said something. Praying for blessing on you and your family in the new year.

joymariecooks said...

1. Not yet... Have been vaxxed with the JnJ one since April.

2. I take vitamin d daily

3. No

4. no

5. N/a

6. yes see above

7. Just the single JnJ with no intention of getting a booster

8. I live in a place with a strict mandate so yes when it's required which is anywhere indoors that's public

Samuel & Lois said...

1. Never had C*vid, nor my husband - a couple of our children likely did in 2020 (loss of taste/smell, but not very sick)
2. We have all those supplements and take many as preventatives, currently taking I-mectin due to flu & 'just in case'
3. Yes
4. Not sure
5. Not sure
6. NO and never plan to
7. NO due to not having been jabbed
8. NO - so thankful we live in a state that doesn't enforce it. Haven't worn one for a good part of 2021

Nancy in the Midwest said...

We were never jabbed. We got vaccinated. I don’t refer to vaccinations any of my kids were given as children that protected them from childhood diseases or that hubby or myself have had as jabs, but as vaccinations to help prevent illnesses that can be either fatal or debilitating. No healthcare working has ever jabbed me, but has ever jabbed me, but has taken care to try to make vaccinations as painless as possible while administering them. Just a comment about how that word makes it sound to those of us who believe God created our bodies to learn how to make antibodies with the help of vaccines we believe He graciously gave men and women the wisdom to discover. We two are over 60, our kids all grown. Some of them are vaccinated, including, of course, daughter and SIL who is a dr. Another daughter and husband not vaccinated. She had it while pregnant, only reason she realized she had it was loss of smell. Baby fine. SIL had it more recently and lost 13lbs, felt miserable, and is slowly recovering. Hubby and I firmly believe we would have had it much worse, had we not had our two shots. We plan to get our boosters before long. We are believers and Republicans, but have totally different views of many things Republicans are now espousing and believing. In fact, some behaviors of some in the party is as embarrassing to us as I’m sure ours is to them. We are both quite concerned at the divide between many believers over politics and health information. With all that, I still enjoy reading about your family and home. I admire the ministries you have with neighbors and friends and your example of hospitality. I skip over your political comments, articles, and references and have refrained from commenting because of our differences. Simply would not know where to start and don’t want to get into it. Please remember that others who also know the Lord personally (since jr high) and are praying for wisdom to live their lives to honor the Lord may have very different beliefs and convictions. It must grieve the Lord greatly, the divide within His church. We wait to see how all of this can ever possibly be healed and how God uses this as part of the lead in to the end times. Hopefully were raptured before the Tribulation, as we’ve believed! In love from a fellow believer. Best wishes. I’ll keep reading, but quite certain I won’t be swayed to another “camp”. If any of this is offensive to you, my sincere apologies. My intent is just to remind you as a sister in Christ that other believers who also are educated and consider themselves thoughtful and seekers of God’s wisdom have very differing views. You may certainly delete my comment if it is too honest or you disagree.

Ruth said...

My husband and I both were "jabbed". Fiveish days after the 2nd shot my husband started to become ill, mainly fatigue, lethargy and overall tiredness. His condition continued to worsen, he was taken to the ER, admitted for heart and kidney failure. His previous history has some kidney issues but nothing cardiac related. We both feel his health decline was related to the 2nd shot. Thankful to God, after all this he has recouped without heart issues and his kidney functions are getting better. I believe in miracles.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...