Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas Traditions

 As most people do, we have our family traditions around the holiday.

Tim's birthday is Christmas Eve so we are always careful to celebrate him, before we transition to our Christmas celebration. To celebrate we always go out to lunch at Fuddrucker's. We invite friends to join us, and it is a fun time. The restaurant is rarely crowded and we take up a big portion of it. We hang out for several hours. The grands begging quarters of everyone to get stuff from the machines, and lots of talking goes on. We order brownies and cookies for dessert and the guys make a coffee run to the McDonald's next door!

Christmas Eve always used to include watching The Nativity Story, but now we often don't include a movie. In the evening I have plans for a Charcuterie board, and we will open stockings. I'm glad everyone joins in with putting items in the stockings because it was getting expensive to buy for so many.

At our kids request we draw names now for the grown up's gifts. I have Kyle this year. Tim and I always buy gifts for all of our kids, and my parents and our grands.

Most of the time its gift cards for the adults, unless they are our person we draw. 

Every time we have a new grand I also buy them their Christmas stocking. 

Here is Kennedy's stocking.

Emma is having a baby girl. She is due at the end of February but with stockings on a great sale right now, Emma and I picked out baby's stocking.

This is off the Pottery Barn Kids website and not the name of Emma's baby, but this is the stocking she chose for her wee girl!

Here are all the stockings in the family minus Emma's family stockings. This also includes our friend Denny. He has a stocking here too!

Christmas Day is relaxed. We eat some kind of breakfast casserole, or cinnamon rolls, and then open gifts. Later in the day, the married kids drop in and we open more gifts. 

Wes and Rachel usually go to his side of the family in the afternoon on Christmas Day. One of his Aunts hosts a potluck meal for all who gather. This year they are required to be either jabbed or tested before they come! 

I hope you celebrate with your loved ones this year. Life is short. We need to be together.

Here is some interesting news. 

Isn't that great! Just like with all other viruses! 

Do not fear friends!


Susan H said...

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. Merry Christmas!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed hearing about your family traditions at Christmas. Happy Birthday to your husband. How cute is that tiny baby stocking. Oh my, what a wee treasure for the baby to come.

Happy Christmas, Deanna!
Brenda xo

Vee said...

🤐 Keeping it zipped so I won't say more than I should. Oh I will say that I think "Decker" is a less than optimal name so was relieved that that is not actually the choice.

Cheryl said...

It is fun to hear of your family traditions, including Tim's birthday which sounds like great fun! (I just used the word "fun" twice in one sentence and I don't have the gumption to change it. I am that tired.) I love Emma's new little girl's Christmas stocking! You must all be getting excited about another sweet blessing to come this winter!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Told you, I liked Elon!!!!

Happy, Happy Christmas...

Ruth said...

Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.

jo said...

Please don’t take Covid or its effects lightly, my daughter had it twice, the first time she was really sick and ost her sense of smell for six months, more disabling that you would realise., The second time at the end of pregnancy and my granddaughter was born very sick and needed iv antibiotics. I had it early on and developed sepsis and total organ failure, I was a fit and well fifty six year old and I now have severe heart failure and needed a device fitted plus lots of drugs to keep me alive. My friend’s sister also had it twice and died the second time. It’s upsetting when people talk about it being just a virus or like a bad cold when my life has been completely ruined by it. Also if you study up on ivermectin, long term use can cause liver failure so it’s not some wonderful solution. No bad feelings but it’s not something to just be brushed aside. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your nearest and dearest.

A Joyful Cottage said...

I enjoyed reading about your family traditions, Deanna. It's so refreshing to hear from someone like Elon. At last there's a prominent person who is not woke, and is speaking up against that divisive view. Thank you for sharing. God bless you and give you a healthy New Year. Hugs.

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