Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 10, 2021

Good News Friday

 Happy Friday, Everyone!

Last night I hosted our co-op moms' annual Christmas Party! So much fun. I love these women. Full of life and interests, each one different from the others but we have a lot in common, too.

One of the sweet ladies brought me this amazing hostess gift! There are tea towels on the bottom, this beautiful wreath, and the bowl, silver, wooden spoon and ornaments! Another sweet friend brought me a bar of homemade soap (smells so fresh!) and another brought me a poinsettia. 

I made a little snack board again, for my contribution to the food last night, and I made my Holiday Tea. So tasty. We always have a lot of food. One gal brought a loaf of Challah bread her teenage daughter had made yesterday while they were doing a study of Hanukkah. It was so good.

I added to this some candy as well as a second bowl of cookies.

Now, let's get into the good news!

A federal judge has temporarily halted the jab mandate for federal workers nationwide! You can read about that {here}.

A federal judge has blocked the jab mandate for health care workers nationwide! Read about that {here}.

In NYC DeBlasio's mandates have been blocked. He wanted to mandate jabs for the private sector, as well as city workers, including the NYPD. Read about that {here}.

Also two Democratic Senators voted with the Republicans to do away with Bid*ns jab mandates!

Jussie Smollett was found guilty on 5 of 6 charges in faking a hate crime. Read about that {here}.

Don't know if you are following the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. It is halted right now due to illness of one of her lawyers. From the transcripts so far, I'd say it's not going well for her. 

It seems as if people are starting to realize that the January 6th "insurrection" was instigated by the FBI and some of their assest. Rep. Louis Gohmert said, "If they were going to charge someone with insurrection, it's beginning to sound more and more like those would be agents for the federal government that were there stirring things up, trying to get people to engage in violence." No one arrested for being in the capitol building on January 6th has been charged with insurrection. It's all been misdemeanors like trespassing. 

There is a lot of information coming out about problems with voting in Wisconsin. For example, there are 42,000 voters in WI who are currently listed as inactive in the August 2021 file, but nevertheless voted in November 2020. Major RED FLAG for phantom voters, whish is Double the margin in the 2020 election scam!

Also, there are 119, 283 "active voters" who have been registered for over 100 years!

Do you remember when our military carried out a drone strike in Afghanistan that killed aid worker civilians? The NY Times has done analysis and there is a write up about it on The National Pulse. It's a war crime. The lied while trying to cover it up, too. Read {here}.

Bad news for Dems regarding reelection polls. They show a dismal 22% support for Bid*n, and only 12% for Harris. This admin is not even one year into their term! It will not improve, and I think we'll see changes in the WH before 2024.

Well friends, I hope you feel encouraged. Showing deep corruption takes time for people to see it. But, oh, we are seeing it, aren't we? Keep pushing back the darkness by sharing truth. The true enemy is already defeated.

Have a great weekend!


Vee said...

That is such a thoughtful gift, so unique and perfect for a person such as yourself!

Thank you for the good news. I had not heard of several of those things. Praying that the wrong shall fail and the right prevail...always.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Wow that gift giving was lovely. You have thoguhtful friends. Praying always for our country. We've been under the weather, my husband, middle daughter and youngest son are all 100% better. Than there is me. The sinus kills me 12 months out of the year. I had three nuerosurgery procedures in the 1980's and ever since troubles with sinus issues. Prayer is always welcome. I have not been blogging but I am going to put up a post. I am so grateful whenever I hear that people are wising up. Grateful God is keeping an eye on those of us who truly care and watching out for us. I am going to be back to catch up on your posts. I appreciate you more than you can know. THANK YOU and HUGS across the miles

Mrs.T said...

Good news indeed! So encouraging. I continue to pray for our country daily and am thankful that so many seem to be waking up. That's an answer to prayer in itself. ��

Your event looks like such a special time for the co-op moms. And what a lovely gift your friend brought you!

A Joyful Cottage said...

I agree with Vee, that gift is perfect for you. I think it would be perfect for me, too. ;) Having friends in for a gathering is something I really miss. I'm glad you have the opportunity. Thank you for continuing to share the good news. It's easy to get discouraged when we look at all the people who mean to harm our beloved country, so having people like you to encourage us is a blessing. I keep praying that God will continue to reveal the truth, and He is answering that prayer. There is much to be learned about the January 6 event, and I do believe we will find out things that will shock us. Jim Jordan is a patriot, and he will do everything needed to uncover the truth, regardless of whether he is on the commission or not. Others, too. Always I remember that God is in control. He is not surprised by any of this, and He has a plan. Love you, dear Deanna. Keep shining the light! Hugs.

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  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...