Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 13, 2021



I hope you all had a very nice weekend. We did. It was filled with home things, Tim and Kyle worked on the work trailer brakes, and I did several hours worth of wrapping.

First I wrapped a few gifts we had ready, an then I wrapped my mom and dad's gifts they are giving. I really enjoy wrapping the gifts and making them pretty.

If you look carefully at the second photo you can see that one of the wisemen from the Fisher Price nativity, is laying amongst the gifts. Klaire and Kamryn spent the night last night and Klaire enjoys playing with this set.  She had baby Jesus wrapped up in a tea towel, too.

Today after church, we made homemade subs and then Tim, Rachel, Wes, Kamryn, and Klaire went on a short hike. The weather was pretty mild.

This evening we watched Christmas with The Chosen on YouTube. It can also be seen at local theaters or on their app. It was very good. The first portion is vocal performances and narrations, then the program. If you've never watched The Chosen it is an excellent series.

Then Tim, Kyle and I listened to our audio Advent Narrative called "Behold The Lamb Of God" by Russ Ramsey. It is excellent as well. Telling the story of God's interaction with mankind since creation, building to Jesus' coming. You can find it on Audible {here}.

Here is a video called The Shepherd that was made by Dallas Jenkins for his church and became the video that kick started The Chosen.

I've learned a few facts recently about the Shepherds of Bethlehem. They were the ones that raised the sheep for sacrifice at the Temple, to atone for sins. Yet, they were considered unclean, and were often not trusted or looked upon well by the very people who needed the sheep they raised!

Yet God chose them to be the first to hear the GOOD NEWS! The angel proclaimed to them on that hillside, "Behold! I bring your good tidings of great joy! For unto YOU is born this day, a savior, which is Christ the Lord!" 

The shepherds were given instructions as to where they could find the baby and rushed to find him. There, lying in a feeding trough, was the king of kings, the savior of the world. He came poor, and lived poor for his whole life on earth. The lowly could relate to him, because he was like them in his humanity.

Isn't that beautiful?

"O holy child of Bethlehem, 
descend to us, we pray.
Cast down our sin, and enter in,
be born in us today.
We hear the Christmas angels 
the great glad tidings tell;
O Come to us, abide with us, 
our Lord Immanuel!"

Phillip Brooks 1868

1 comment:

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Thank you for your prayers.

I am not a praying person, but I certainly appreciate any/all good wishes, from those who are.

Feeling much better.

A health scare, puts everything in perspective. -smile-

Hope your Mother and Father are all recovered too. Or nearly so. All these things, take time.

"Miss B.B."

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