Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christmas Gifts

 Do you make gifts for Christmas?

I usually make a few things. Cookies or cappuccino muffins for the neighbors and friends, and I usually knit a few things, too.

I have the fabric for simple little blankets for two grands and I haven't felt motivated to finish them. But I will try, and give them along with a small toy for Christmas.

I thought I'd show you a cowl and a scarf I'm currently working on.

This color is a caramel color in person. Don't know how it is reading on your computer.

I love giving gifts, but we've worked at being more thoughtful in what we give and not go overboard with spending. Sometimes we give family gifts, sometimes we give gift cards to our married kids, and gifts for the kids.

Often for one daughter and family we've given an experience. This year, however, we gave individual gifts. My daughter gave us ideas and we bought from that list. They received their package yesterday! 

I've long said it's not the price of the gift but the thought behind the gift. One of Sarah's most treasured gifts was a Lord of the Rings glass that had been sold at McDonald's. It had been purchased for Sarah at a yard sale by my daughter in law. She couldn't believe that that cup, purchased for so little money, could bring Sarah such delight!

I've taught my kids that you can find a gift at the thrift store, or yard sale, or used book store, but if you know it's what the recipient will love that is all that matters!

I was awake in the night, so I was praying for dear ones, and blog friends in need, and the thought of my friends' birthday being Saturday came to mind. We don't often exchange gifts, but this year I wanted to give her a tangible reminder of my love for her. The idea of what to send to a few minutes but then it came to me, I ordered it and it will get to her the day before her birthday! It's making me so happy!

I hope your gift purchasing/making is going well. Today, I am taking a friend for tea, we haven't had time together in person since she became a widow earlier this year. I have things to share with her too, and so I know we will share tea and sympathy.

Love to you, friends.


Kim said...

We have very similar ideas about gift giving, Deanna. I've tried to instill the true meaning of Christmas gifts in my kids and I know they feel the same way. They love anything with sentimental meaning and homemade gifts are the best. Last year, my daughter knit me a lap blanket since I was always cold at my desk and my other daughter bought me pearl earrings since she knew that I'd lost a treasured pair. The thought behind both made the gifts so much more special. Enjoy your visit...xo

Cheryl said...

In the early days of our marriage, we made most of our gifts. It gets harder as the numbers increase! I always make some sort of baked goods for neighbors or thank you gifts. This year, I am making gingerbread loaves again. Actually, I am heading out today to buy gifts for the youngest grandchildren! It is so much fun to buy for littles!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

A warm and lovely and loving, post.....

"Miss B.B."

Linda said...

I meant to make a whole bunch of the quilted bowl cozies to use in the microwave. alas, I don't know WHEN I figured I would have time to see all of them.....nmaybe next year.....

Vee said...

Very seldom do I make my gifts. I think it's wonderful that you do. I love my beautiful cowl and just wore it this week. It was cold! How nice that you will take your friend out for tea.

ellen b. said...

I love giving gifts, too. When I know someone will love the gift I can't wait for them to open it. I do not make gifts. Knitting, sewing and crafting aren't in my genes. Tea with your friend sounds lovely.

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