Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas Weekend!

 What a lovely weekend we had!

Friday started with Tim, my dad, and I headed to the store to get a new phone for me and my dad.

We both were using our iPhone 6s' and while mine was working well, Tim was concerned that it was very out of date and not supported any longer. So Merry Christmas to me!

Of course, I chose red! The camera on this phone is incredible and I did use it some on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but I confess I didn't take many photos.

My Dad got a iPhone 12 mini. He loves technology and has always had a computer and cell phone from the time these things became available! He said he needed to upgrade his phone because my mom upgraded hers months ago and she always needs help doing things and his phone was older than hers! Now that he's learning his, he'll be able to help her more! This is very funny and true!

After getting our phones, we had to make a stop at the grocery store, and while Tim ran in quickly, Dad and I played with our phones.

I love learning about my camera on the phone its very nice as you'll see in the following photos.

Me in the car trying out filters and the portrait setting!

Then we were off to meet the family and some friends at Fuddruckers! The birthday boy was being celebrated! I love how much he enjoys this time every year. I didn't take any photos but I enjoyed talking with friends, and my kids, and seeing all of them have fun together!

Then we came home, and relaxed for a while. We put together a Charcuterie board with crackers, cheeses, meats, pretzels, nuts, and grapes. This took the place of dinner, and when people arrived toward evening, it was all ready. We opened stockings and then later those who would not be together on Christmas day exchanged gifts. We draw names among the adults.

A lovely time was had by all. 

Christmas Day we slept in (we have no small children to wake us up early!). When I got up, I put together a breakfast casserole and we made some cinnamon rolls from the can!

The breakfast casserole is simple - 

I put frozen tater tots in a greased 9x13 pan then I whisked 6 eggs into 2 cups of milk, added salt and pepper to taste and poured it over the tots. I topped it with grated cheddar cheese and baked it for 45 minutes covered with foil, and then about 15 minutes uncovered! We all enjoyed it! You can add meat to it, just precook the meat. I made a second one Saturday night, and Tim popped it into the oven Sunday morning for breakfast! Yum!

We ate brunch on Christmas Day, opened gifts, played Quirkle, opened a few more gifts when Nate, Kayleigh, and the girls arrived.

I put a ham in the oven and when it was done, people could eat when they felt hungry. Kayleigh works in a deli so she brought potato salad and macaroni salad, and we had lots of left over crackers and cheeses and meats, and lots of sweet treats. It was an easy food day, which is what I like on Christmas.

Look at all those Quirkles!

I will show you the incredible cutting board Nate and Kayleigh gave me when I get a chance to photograph it, but here are two books I received as gifts. I also got new charging cords for my phone and Ipad, and a grown up paint by numbers kit!

I enjoy the Tea Shop Mystery books by Laura Childs and was so happy to receive her latest book!

I've been enjoying looking through this wonderful book by Miss Mustard Seed! I've long enjoyed her blog and Instagram account. This book focuses on how you can make your home unique to you! I love this, as I am not a fan of cookie cutter houses!

Can you tell by this photo that my grand girlies have been in my home?

We are so thankful for the gift of Jesus, God in the flesh, coming to live among us, and to die for our sins. What a dark place the world is, and Oh, how we need Him! 

We have borne some hard things this last month, but as I said to Tim, "I am wounded, but I am not destroyed." God's grace has carried me through, and will continue to carry us and give us the grace we need to give to those who've done the wounding.

I'd love to hear about your Christmases! 

Tomorrow, I want to talk about a comment I received on my last post and do a bit of a poll. I am very curious about statistics and love doing research, so come back tomorrow and participate!


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Lovely all!

And I love it, that your Father is so cell phone savvy!!!!!!! Here, we still have old flip phones, 'cause we can't do any of the new stuff anyway. -grin-

Hugs and Love,
🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲

Vee said...

Well hello, Beautiful. You and your dad will continue to learn new things about those phones. Red is your color.

Yes, December was rough. The November before it was rough. The past two years have been rough. Wish that
people would stop believing the lie. What people are willing to do in order to comply with corrupt governments is
shocking. Okay, I'm intrigued. I'll be back.

Linda said...

What a wonderful Christmas celebration that lasted the entire weekend! I took Sunday as a Rest and Recover Day!
You are beautiful and your new phone camera captures it perfectly!

Kim said...

Well, it sounds like you had a very relaxed and lovely holiday. We did the same, complete with a ham for pickings! I love your red phone and I'm so curious about your paint by number kit! I hope you'll share it with us. I love doing them, I have two I'm working on right now. I can't wait to hear if you enjoy it!

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