Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 15, 2022



We had a great weekend we had.

Our sweet friends from Texas were in the area and came to have dinner with us Saturday evening. 

Weston and Rachel came by after dinner, as they had never met Wes. I love these people. 

We did have hamburgers, homemade potato salad and a jello salad.

For dessert my mom provided brownies. 

The best was just having Tim to visit and catch up. Their oldest is engaged, which we knew, but it was fun to hear the details, to hear about their daughter who was moving back into her dorm room, and two hear about the youngest boys. The baby of the family was about 15 months old when we met and he is now 11 years old!  Sweet, sweet time together.

We'll always be grateful for our time at our old church. Our time there brought us so many of our dearest friends, is responsible for two of our daughters' marriages, two of our kids attending the bible school that Sarah is at, and that's where Emma met her husband.  So many gifts came from that time.

Sunday afternoon was a resting afternoon. Tim and Kyle had had a big work week with long hours (they got home at 11:00 on Friday night), and sleep and watching movies were the big activities for the day, after church.

Even Kamryn napped!

Late in the week, I tackled the bathroom closet. Last year when my parents moved in we combined our two bathroom's items into one. It was going to be temporary, so I made it work. However, it hadn't been organized for best use. The vitamins and supplements had been in a basket that is above my head, I could reach it but there were things that always got knocked over that sat in front of that basket, etc.

So I bought a pantry organizer and set up all the things we like access to in a more convenient way.

 A lot of this was in various bins and baskets. I gathered all the first aid items and put them all together in the first aid kit, that is on the floor of the closet. I gathered all the cold meds, cough drops and other random items into a small bin. It's on the shelf above this one on the right. Easy to get to when we need it, but it's not a regular need. 

Sarah's items will be sorted through this week. Her face washing stuff is in the bottles there on the left and they'll be find a new home in the closet, when its all sorted, and soon they'll be moving with her to school. You can see more of the items she and I will sort through on the left in this bottom photo.

It has made a huge difference in our daily lives. I'm wondering why I waited so long to reorganize it!

How was your weekend?

ps- I had closed comments on Friday's post as an experiment but they are now open, if you wanted to make a comment on that post. 

1 comment:

Vee said...

Another wonderful weekend! So good to meet up again with old friends. Sounds as if you had plenty to catch up on.

My linen closet needs similar organizing. I think I have the motivation and know how to do it. Alas, mine is painted bright fire engine red...argghhh. I hate painting!

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