Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 29, 2022



I had an amazing weekend. It was full of outings and adventures.

Friday, I went to tea with my Mom and our friends Jen and Ruth. Whenever Ruth is visiting (she is Jen's mother in law) we always get together for tea. We had a delightful time.

When we got home, I had a text from another friend who was off work early and wondering if I wanted to met up for an iced tea and chat. Of course I did, so I headed out again and had a really good time with this long time friend. We homeschooled together and our kids were great friends, too. I was happy to have this precious time together.

On Saturday Rachel called and wondered if my mom and I wanted to go to a neat local store called Blue Gate Pickins, that is only open on Fridays and Saturdays. I did, but mom passed. 

I found a really cool table for the end of the hallway, that I'll show you when I get it arranged like I want it. This table is just right and was only $10! I also got a free brass floor lamp that I am going to repaint.

We then went to Strasburg, and wandered around an antique store I like, she popped into a consignment shop, then we grabbed some lunch at a neat cafe called Hudson Botanical. 

Their food was really delicious, and they have a lot of great plants which are also for sale.

Wes came over after work, and Tim, Kyle, Wes, Rachel, and I all got into the pool.  It was a beautiful day for a swim, and with the deck I am able to better access the pool!

If you look carefully, you can see that Tim and Kyle are under the water so that you can't see them! Lol!

Kyle didn't want me to take his picture so all I got was his feet!

Tim put solar lights onto the posts on the deck and they look really great!

Today, after church, we got some lunch out at a local place, then the kids and I came home and Tim went with Wes to look at their building. The tenant recently moved out, and Wes wanted Tim's opinion on some work that will need to be done. The kids were occupied so I took a bit of a nap in my chair, and when Tim got back he napped, too. 

After that, he and I got in the pool with Kamryn and Klaire. That was fun.

After the girls went home, we chatted for a while, then Sarah got home from a few days in upstate New York with friends of our family. We have about 10 more days before she leaves for school.

Tomorrow, we have school, Kyle and I will go get groceries, and then Wes and Rachel are having friends here for a swim and dinner. Hot dogs on the grill are on the menu for tomorrow. Easy peasy.

I hope you are all well. I trust you are leaning into the Lord in these challenging times. We must stand for truth and speak it in love. We must pray and ask the Lord to give 'sight' to those who cannot 'see' what is happening. Some can't see and some refuse to see. That's sad.

We've been given the gift to see what's happening while it is happening. We don't have to wait to see in hindsight. 

I appreciate you all. 


Vee said...

Amen to your closing thoughts. I heard a pastor say recently, "Be a Christian. Live your faith. You are needed now more than ever."

What a great weekend you had! It was one joy after the next. I remember the "one" time my grandmother went swimming with my sister and me. What fun! It was an event that I have remembered with joy all these years.

I ran into a friend at the grocery store. Hopefully, we can make plans for a get-together where we can really chat. We both have health issues so it can get complicated.

A great week to you!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed the visit with you this morning, Deanna. You've had a wonderful weekend - such fun and precious memories in the making. Wishing you a great week ahead. Oh, and your swimming pool looks soooo inviting. Happy day! Brenda xo

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