Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

 My Dad has served with his local volunteer fire company for 10 years. He is one of those people who head out day or night when the pager goes off.  Rain or snow or hurricane strength winds, they go out to deal with fire, accidents, downed power lines, and other things.  They do not get paid.  Not even those who serve as officers.

My Dad is the one who shuts down the roads and deals with rerouting traffic.  This is not a fun job.  People get angry when they are inconvenienced.  Sometimes it is hard to deal kindly with people who are cursing you, and are mad because they are stuck in traffic...yet you know that someone has just lost their life in an accident.  My Dad did duty for many hours the day of the Amish shooting - knowing that many of the Amish families in his fire company had likely lost family. He had to check press credentials as the world came to report on what happened.
My Dad was honored at their company picnic on Saturday.  They recognized the work he has done in the company.  He has served as president of the company for a few years also.  He received a really cool clock that has the fire company logo on it and his name and the positions he has held.  He was really touched.

I am proud of you Dad, and I love you!

 Happy Father's Day to my sweetheart.  You are an amazing man, and wonderful father.  We love you so much.


jean said...

When I saw this post, I knew right away to list myself as a follower. Love the homey feel. Honors to your father and all the other firemen.

Simple Home said...

What a sweet tribute to your wonderful father and husband :)

Unknown said...

Wow! Praise the Lord for all that your Dad & the volunteers do! That is a lot of years volunteering. Impressive! I didn't know your Dad helped in the aftermath of the Amish sad.

Happy Father's Day Uncle Tim & Nate!

Vee said...

We need the men who can take the abuse and do the job well. Your dad so deserves to be honored for the work he does.

Sheree said...

I have a special place in my heart for firefighters... my Dad was a volunteer firefighter for 25 years, he was a chief for a good many of those years and when he retired they named one of the fire barns after him... all three brothers were firefighters at one time or another and my oldest brother is now asst. chief.

Kelly said...

Congratulations to your Dad!

I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing Father's Day. We did, although we didn't do too much relaxing.


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