Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Horse Trailer

 Several years ago, someone gave us an old, well used horse trailer.  It was barely usable but use it we did.  Tim as able did a bit to it here and there, always amazing me with his skill at figuring out what to do and how to do it and then doing it!

This weekend we are driving across the state to pick up a pony for the younger kids.  Tim has spent this week, along with his side kicks Emily, Lindsay and my Dad working to get it in proper shape.  We do not have a photo of what it used to look like as we did not want to commemorate that!  Now though I wish I had even one to show you for comparison.

 I guess the trailer used to be black with white but by the time we got it, it had faded to a dull navy blue.  Lots of rust and holes even.  They sanded it and primed it and painted it.  

 My Dad has worked on the wiring - they put new lights on and Tim put that new metal flashing on the front! 

 We think it looks kinda retro - we still may add its curved white stripe but it is not important for this weekend!

 We are all in awe - our pony is coming home in style!  And yes, it will have a tire before we hit the road on Sunday!


Unknown said...

It looks beautiful!!! And a new pony to boot!!!

Safe travels on Sunday!

Vee said...

Oh the children must be beside themselves with excitement!

Fantastic job your hubby did on the trailer. I'm sure that you could put him to work on many, many projects with amazing results.

Anonymous said...

Great make-over! What fun, too - a new pony! Looking forward to meeting your new family addition in a future post!
Miss KAthy

Becky K. said...

The paint didn't look THAT red on the can. WOW. You shouldn't have anyone say they can't see

LOVE it. And I cannot wait to see Rachel and her pony!!

Kelly said...

Wow! The trailer looks great; new even! We are so happy for Rachel.

amy said...

Wow! It looks amazing! I did see the before. Great makeover!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...