Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 3, 2011


 Life has been happening here at a regular and at a fast pace.  Work in the pasture, for the riding arena, has been at a regular pace.  The regrading around the barn is amazing and will really help the flow of water to go around the barn, when it  rains, and not through it!  Our good friend Jeremiah brought some of his big machines that he uses for his business and the work got done!  It was such a blessing to us!

Tim and Lindsay have done some post hole digging this week and hope to work on it today as well.  Soon, she will be able to start giving riding lessons again!

 This sweet watermelon addicted girl is going to be 1 year old in 12 days!  Oh, my!  This year has flown by!  She has started to take steps on her own too!  It will not be long before she is running around everywhere!

You may remember that my parents are selling their house and will be moving in with us while an addition is put on our house.  They will have a living room, 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, pantry/laundry room.  The addition will also be adding a family room, garage, and porch.  Lots of change but it will be good change and we wanted them to have their own space, and not feel like they were living in our space.  My mom and the kids will have so much fun having sleepovers every night! ha ha!

Well, they got an offer on their house, they will be meeting with the realtors today and finding out about it.  It seems that the buyers have the closing on their home either later this month or next so they want a short escrow time.  This is fine, but it means we will be starting to hustle around here, moving the girls out of the master bedroom suite so Mom and Dad can have a bit of their own space in the midst of our busy home.

All of this in addition to growing, which sometimes comes through difficulties, helping a young woman navigate through life choices, the normal daily work of a home and family, and so much more.

It is a full life and I firmly believe that this is a part of living life abundantly.  There is so much to be thankful for, so much to pray about...God is good.


Becky K. said...

Well, don't forget all of the friends who love spending time with you too..... yep! Your life is full.

Rebecca said...

Wow! That IS a full life...and I think you're right about it being a part of what the "abundant life" is.

Bee said...

Your grandchild is so cute. The pictures are wonderful. I can see Nate when I look at her face. I'm sure everyone says that.

Simple Home said...

Your granddaughter is beautiful! I bet she holds the key to all of your hearts :-)
You are one busy lady!

Barbara Neubeck said...

You certainly do have a busy life and it seems it will only get bissier.Enjoy the generations...
God Bless
Barb from

Trish said...

My goodness! A busy- but exciting life by the sounds of it!
God is very good, isn't He?!
I pray all goes well for you and your parents.
The house plans sound great - I love to see changes happen around our home and I hope yours work out well for you.
And your grand-daughter is a real little sweetie :-)
Thank you for joining LACE again, my friend.
It's lovely to have you sharing with us!
God bless you abundantly..Trish

Melissa G said...

Man, i've gotten behind! Life is full and busy for you and i just love the pictures!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...