Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Teatime Tuesday

My dear friend Kelly from Cozy Comforts used to host a Teatime Tuesday which was very fun to participate in every week.  She has become very busy and isn't hosting anymore so I thought I would start it back up!  I discovered that there are a few Teatime Tuesday parties with link ups, so I won't be doing that.  I will link up with those and encourage you to do it too!

I am showing a photo taken early this rainy morning with my terrible point and shoot camera.  These are my Spode "Blue Room" teacups that I bought at a yard sale last year for a total of $2.00!  Yes, all four for $2.00!

Now on this rainy first day of Summer, I will go brew a pot of Yorkshire Gold and have a cuppa.

I hope you have a delightful day!

I am joining Sandi for Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage, and Lady Katherine for her Tea Time Tuesday!

I am also joining Trish for L.A.C.E at Lily-Rose Cottage.


Cynthia L said...

Love your teacups! I think they were well worth the $2.00 spent! Thanks for sharing them!

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

Oh yardsales, how I love your siren call of deals, and how I love it more when they pay off and it's not three old TVs and a pile of stuffed animals!

sherry said...

great deal on those cups/saucers, missy! they look lovely against the yellow wall. hm. i keep typing Hellow wall...but it *is* welcoming and perhaps you should begin referring to the wall as a Hello(w) wall. ah, but i digress...

would love to see a larger pic of the item you're hanging the cups as i can see if it'll fit in my car. ha!

as to your comment on my blog... sitting together and sharing hearts:
oh yes, i'd love that. so much.


Snap said...

Your teacups were a great find! I love blue and white. Well done! Happy Tea Day!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Only $2 for all those teacups is a real steal of a deal. I love it when I find something special at a garage sale.

Pamela Gordon said...

Very pretty teacups against your yellow walls. Happy Summer!

Kelly said...

You go, Mrs. Rabe! How fun! I'm sure you'll do a much better job at Teatime Tuesdays than I. I think you have more tea knowledge and creativity. I will enjoy visiting your Teatime Tuesdays.

Terri said...

Beautiful Spode tea cups! And for 2 bucks!!! Wow, that was a fortunate find! Thank you so much for joining in Tea Cup Tuesday with us, it was lovely visiting you today : )

Anonymous said...

There is something about blue china that is so pleasing to the eye :)


Trish said...

Wow, how wonderful - you certainly scored a great bargain with these pretty cups.
And you've displayed them so beautifully too!
I absolutely love blue and white china :-)
Thank you for joining LACE today - I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
Have a blessed day..

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Gorgeous teacups! Two dollars for four Spode teacups is a real steal and how pretty they look hanging on the shelf. Thank you so much for sharing your post with Tea Time and have a delightful week.


Simple Home said...

$2.00? What a great deal!!! My camera is a point and shoot too. I'm looking for a new one, but not sure what I want yet :)
I love a good cup of tea too!

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Mrs.Rabe,
Love your tea cups/saucers. I have never seen a rack like the one you have them displayed on. What a clever idea!
Happy tea time
God Bless
Barb from Australia

Vee said...

Very pretty tea cups...what a bargain... 50 cents each? Goodness, where do you shop?

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: Thank you for joining Tea Cup Tuesday. I love the Spode you shared with us. I am running a little late this week, but did not want to miss your post. Blessings, Martha

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