Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Teatime Tuesday

 Welcome to Teatime Tuesday!  

Today I want to show you my most interesting tea cup.  It is a lovely soft aqua color and has really interesting details.

 Here is the marking on the bottom of the teacup - I've tried to Google this but am not finding it.  Any one familiar with this company?

 The saucer is just a bit darker in color than the tea cup.

 I think the details are really stunning - 

 It is very fine china - very thin...


I bought this teacup in Vermont about 2 years ago.  I don't use it often but I do use it.  It's just lovely.

I am having such fun getting to know new friends that love tea and all things tea related as well.

Thanks for joining me today - don't forget to visit Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for Teatime Tuesday.  And Lady Katherine's Tea Parlor.  
I am also joining Trish at Lily-Rose Cottage for L.A.C.E.


Terri said...

I love the new look of the blog! Bright and cheerful! The tea cup is really pretty- it has great shape! Don't you just wonder who else has sipped out of it!? Thanks for the peek!

Phillip said...

Nothing nicer than a cup of tea out of a beautiful cup.

Rebecca said...

I'm not a big tea-drinker, but I sure enjoy the beauty of fine tea cups & saucers! This is unusual, isn't it?

Tracy said...

Such a pretty cup! It reminds me of a cameo!

Raquel said...

Near as I can tell, your cup would date between 1907-1956. I believe the company is still in production today. I just Googled Rosenthal Bavaria China. you might try looking on - they have loads and loads of patterns, etc. Beautiful set!

Anonymous said...

The china is beautiful! I echo the previous comment. Your blog looks so cheery!

Phyllis said...

You forgot to mention that in honor of Tea Time Tuesday we are going to Pemberly Tea Room for lunch. Just a date with Mama and Daughter!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Deanna! That is a stunning cup! I love the lace-like design works on it - and such an unusual color! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
Miss Kathy

Snap said...

Wow! I love the aqua color and the lacy design .. it looks raised???!!!! So beautiful! Great find! Happy Tea Day!

no spring chicken said...

Stunning is the exact word that I was going to use! Yes, I have seen other rosenthal pieces and they too had that creamy thick glaze look, and the raised detail. I LOVE it!

Blessings, Debbie

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Deanna,
Oh my, what a pretty teacup and in my favourite colour too! It is just beautiful with its lovely embossed design and shape. It does remind one of a cameo. I have never seen one like it. It truly is a delight to the eyes. I am so happy you have shared this with Tea Time. I am a new follower and it's very nice to 'meet' you. Have a delightful day.


Mama to 12, so far said...

Like the blog look! Love the tea cup more though! That is a beautiful one.

Trish said...

Deanna, that set is absolutely beautiful!
I love the colour and the exquisite pattern!
It reminds me a lot of Wedgewood - which I also love.
You have some very lovely pieces in your collection :-)
Thank you for sharing this for LACE today.
Have a blessed week..Trish

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Deanna,
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty. Your cup and saucer are the blue and white pattern.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

janice15 said...

Very very pretty..I love aqua color.. and turquoise I would love to have one of these..Janice your newest blogger..from you

noreen said...

Hi Deanna, your tea set is the perfect color. So unique and lovely! I'm visiting from LACE. God Bless.

Kelly said...

What a lovely cup and saucer. It looks so delicate, especially that beautiful handle.

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