Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Her Party Is Today...

 She'll be one on Wednesday.  This year has flown by.  She is starting to toddle around, and loves her aunties and uncle. 

 She loves Samantha our dog.  Sam is 64 in dog years and still as patient with little ones as ever.  

 Kamryn calls her 'good girl'...we think because when we tell Kamryn to be gentle, we encourage her by saying "good girl!"  So funny...

We kinda like her...last night she was pushing Kyle down the hallway on a riding toy...they were both having a blast!

So today we go to the park and celebrate our granddaughter for her first birthday!  We pray that she will have many more...she delights our heart!


Tracy said...

She's adorable- I thinks she looks a bit like Kyle, yes?

Becky K. said...

Sorry we will miss it!
Happy birthday Kamryn....

Karen said...

Oh, my goodness, she is just the cutest thing!

Happy Birthday Kamryn!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I thought the years passed quickly with children but they really fly by with grandchildren.

Our "baby Anna" just turned one in May and it seemed like yesterday when she was born.

Not to mention that Elisabeth (our oldest grandchild) just turned nine!

I was just thinking last night as I drifted off to sleep that the happiest part of my life is knowing my two kids follow Christ as adults... godly kids for the next generation (however imperfect). ;)

KellyinPA said...

Grandchildren are wonderful, aren't they;) She is just precious, Happy Birthday little one!

Melissa G said...

I can't believe she's a year old!
She's the cutest thing and i love that she is growing up surrounded by so many loving people.

Happy Birthday Kamryn!

Vee said...

Oh what a doll! I had no idea that you were a grandmother. It's a very special thing to be.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday precious girl! She's a cutie :-)

Tracy said...

Happy Day! What a lovely little girl.

Simple Home said...

I hope the day was wonderful. She's adorable!!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

She's adorable! I'm sure you all had a wonderful day.


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