Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Annual Traditions

Tim and I were  talking last night about traditions and the need to be flexible.  Family dynamics change as kids grow up, marry and become their own families.  We want to be careful to not insist that we 'do' something, just because we always have done something, or we did it with the older kids.  

This year several things that we normally do as 'tradition' will probably not be done.  Most involve Christmas Eve. 

 Our tradition is to celebrate the first part of the day as Tim's birthday, including breakfast or lunch out, then we shift gears into Christmas. We usually watch The Nativity Story, and then open our stockings, and play games.

This year, however, our church is having a Christmas Eve service.  Sarah and I both are singing, and Rachel is playing cello in several pieces.  Lindsay will be playing violin with her sister in law, Laura, also.

There is not the time to do everything in our traditions this year.  Tim also mentioned that he's not sure everyone still wants to watch the movie on Christmas Eve, so we are going to let that go this year.  We will still do stockings, after the service, and we will play games, but probably not the wii this year.

These are not major traditions, so there is no real struggle, but sometimes we need to learn flexibility in life and to be able to let somethings go.  We need to give our younger kids, still at home, the freedom to like or not like the traditions that were started before they were born.  They are different people.

We need to give our married kids the freedoms to be their own families, and create their own traditions.  It's good for them to do this.

I don't know what future Christmases hold, perhaps, when we are empty nesters, Tim and I will go to one of our kids' homes.  Maybe we'll stay home, sleep in, and pay visits in the afternoon!  

I don't know.

I do know though that we will still be celebrating Jesus' birth, and giving thanks to God for the gift of His son.  This is why we celebrate Christmas!  The Advent (coming) of Christ, was so needed and still is!


Sherry said...

a lovely example of wisdom and thoughtfulness...
whatever you do to create new traditions, may it/they
be bathed in the love of Christ and take on precious
meaning with one another. ♥

podso said...

Yes we need to hold those traditions with an open hand. I'm finding that so this year especially. But if I focus on the true meaning and importance of our celebrations, it's ok. I'm looking forward to a worship service on Christmas morning this year.

Rebecca said...

Good for you! We're a few years "ahead" of you (age of our children & THEIR children, etc.). We've found it important to be flexible. :)

Sandi said...

I like the lady in the front with the long silver hair. She got to see this family grow from the beginning, I am guessing? What a fortunate lady.

Vee said...

Yes, you may do those things in the future, if The Lord tarries. New traditions often become a family's favorites. There are some things that I will do whether anyone can be here or not. I attended a Christmas concert all by myself Sunday evening, which I never dreamed would be something I'd do, and I enjoyed it, too. Not sure how those lines got there in the first few sentences. As far as I know, I didn't do it!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That's my mama, and yes she and my dad have watch me and my brother grow and now our families, who are having families of their own!

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