Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 2, 2016

Christmas Around The World Tea

Sorry to be late getting this post finished.  I was waiting on some photos from a friend, and Tim wanted to take me to breakfast this morning!

My friend Kelly took these photos of each of the table centerpieces.  Each centerpiece had items representing a different nation.

 Great Britain




 The Netherlands


We set six tables of eight with all my own tea cups and vintage glass luncheon plates.  We used all of my tea pots and creamers and sugar bowls.  I've been collecting for many years, and realized this year that I need a few more tea pots!

We gave every guest a globe ornament

Some of our guests listening to our speaker

Karen Andreola was our speaker last evening.
I know that some of the photos are dark.  I work to bring in ambient lighting for our teas, as the only other option is the florescent over head lighting.  Way too bright!

I was so busy getting everything ready that I didn't take any photos of the tables set before the tea other than the one I showed yesterday.  If I can find any from friends who attended, I'll post them.

I did take a photo today of my tea pots so you could see them.

The second teapot on the left is the very first tea pot I ever owned.  Tim bought it for me for my 26th birthday!

My newest teapot.  I bought this at HomeGoods this week.

I look forward to this tea every year, and I could not do it without my kids and Tim's help with set up.  I also want to thank the Joseph's sisters for their help, too!


podso said...

Was thinking that was a lot to carry over to your church! And now your family knows one or two things you could use for Christmas! It all looks lovely. I have one of those globes hanging on our tree. Have a nice weekend and get some rest!

Bernideen said...

I so enjoyed seeing this event and can tell a lot of work went into it! Lovely photos and friends!

Vee said...

The women must look forward to this event each year as it is very special. What a lovely evening for all to fellowship, learn, and enjoy.

Rosemary said...

Such a very special event. Love your tea pot collection... and the vintage globe ornaments are the prefect remembrance for this occasion.

Lorrie said...

It's a special event for the women who attend, I'm sure. Your attention to detail is lovely.

Cheryl said...

I love the theme! The decorations are lovely! I am sure that all of your ladies felt very "treated" at your special Christmas tea. I would love to have heard Karen speak!

Sharon D. said...

Beautiful table settings. I love tea parties. My SIL's church used to have a Mother's Day tea each year and I was privileged to attend some. They were all so lovely with each table different and unique, and wonderful tea treats. They hae discontinued the tea parties and I have missed them. Blessings, Sharon D.

Linda said...

What an amazing tea!!! You did a fantastic job! I am going to go back and really look closely at each photo. What beautiful tea tables!

Jaybird said...

This is beautiful and what a great idea!! I do a "tea" for the ladies in our church in the spring. I will have to remember this idea! I laughed when I read that you used all of your own china. I do too, and sometimes I wonder if I need my head examined for having SO MUCH STUFF!!! You have justified me, and I'm thankful to know I have a twin :^)
Blessings to you,

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm glad that I have given you justification for your collection! Its wonderful to share these beautiful things and one lady told me her mother felt so loved and special because of the 'real tea cups'. It made me so happy!

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