Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Christmas Music

For those of us who love Christmas music, it is a struggle to wait to listen to it until 'others' approve!  You know what I mean!

This year I find myself listening to Chris Tomlin's cd 'Adore.'  We all like this one.  I have it downloaded on my phone and we listen to it on my bluetooth speaker.  

I also love to listen to Pandora, and am enjoying the Classical Christmas station, and a celtic Christmas station.  

As much as I love to listen to the 'traditional' seasonal music like "White Christmas" or "I'll Be Home For Christmas" this year I found myself not wanting to hear the 'same ol' thing'.  

It's been really good.

I love to watch some YouTube videos of my favorites, too.  Like these

I like a wide range of music, as you can tell.

What about you?  What are you listening to during this Christmas season?  Please share in the comments!


Cheryl said...

Christmas music never gets old! The carols are full of the glorious gospel! (Sometimes I think we should sing them year round.)

Vee said...

My CD player is broken; I can't seem to find a station playing Christmas music of any kind; Pandora is not my favorite source of music...they keep tossing in a clinker and don't allow one to move on; so I tried valiantly to have my daughter listen to Christmas music today. It appears that while she is a fan of Twila Paris and Michael W. Smith, and Hillsong, etc., she can not tolerate Christmas music at all. You learn something new every day about your own kids!

podso said...

I'm enjoying the classical Pandora but should try the celtic. I too enjoy a variety. this year I've especially appreciated Amy Grant's Breath of Heaven, sung beautifully at our church's concert and a morning service.

Sandi said...

The Lifechurch versions of Christmas songs on YouTube. WOO!

I will have to check out 'Adore' by Chris Tomlin. Love his voice.

Take care and Merry Christmas, Deanna!

Carrie said...

Every year my husband and I choose 1 Christmas CD to add to our collection. There have been some "stinkers" (like the Jersey Boys holiday album), but a favorite was last year's purchase--the Downton Abbey Christmas CD. It's a 2-disc collection with some tracks recorded by cast members and a lot of cathedral choirs singing traditional carols. We love love love it! You might too--I think I remember a Downton-themed tea party you hosted last year?

Theresa said...

Christmas music keeps me in the Spirit! Thanks for sharing yours! HUGS!

Debby Ray said...

I love Christmas music and these you have shared are beautiful. LOVE celtic as well! Your blog looks so lovely all dressed up for Christmas. I have never checked into the Pandora...I've only had my iphone a few months and I'm still! There's so much great Christmas music out there! Enjoy your weekend, Deanna!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...