Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Enjoying The Season

With my cataract surgery over, I am now free to just enjoy this season.

All obligations are behind me.

We have been enjoying ourselves in spite of my surgery being on the calendar.  

Monday I helped Kamryn put together a ginger bread house.

Tuesday, the kids and I, along with my mom did some Christmas shopping.  I am doing some online and some locally.  I feel no stress about shopping.

We've been watching Christmas movies - A Christmas Carol,  It's A Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and a movie that was new to us, Max Lucado's Christmas Candle.  It was very good.

I went to a Christmas party on Tuesday evening, for our homeschool co-op moms.  That was fun!

And we've been playing games together - mostly Clue!  It's always been a favorite of mine, and sometimes I win!

We've been trying to read together in the Bible, as a family.  We've been reading and discussing the book of Jude this week.

One night soon we will go to look at the lights at the Herr's Potato Chip factory.  They always have an awesome light display for free!

Sarah and I are going to sing together for our Christmas Eve service.  We are going to sing Mary, Did You Know.  I'm an alto and she is a soprano.  We are having fun working with Becky on it.

What are you doing to enjoy the season?  Any traditions you'd like to share?


Sandi said...

Clue! I remember that game. It was so fun, though, as an adult I am kinda freaked out that it was about solving a murder....uncomfortable chuckle. Eight year old me squeals, "it was the professor in the kitchen with a club!" Um...they would SO not make this game today. ;-)

Estelle's said...

I love the post title today Deanna....enjoying the season! You know, I have never made a gingerbread house! me an idea perhaps! Have a lovely weekend! Glad your cataract surgery went well!

Cheryl said...

I'm happy that your recovery is going so well! What a marvel this new kind of cataract surgery is!

Your house is delightfully festive! I wish I could say that I feel no stress about shopping. I hope to be able to say that soon...after my procrastinating self makes a little progress. Nevertheless, we are enjoying the season! Christmas movies, Christmas music, and a few gatherings. More to come!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

It would be nice if a family member could record your duet of Mary, did you Know so you can share it with us.
Our big treat is coming next Saturday when a symphony orchestra will be presenting their Christmas concert at our church again this year.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Maybe we will, Judith!

I love the special holiday concerts etc!

Rebecca said...

I enjoy reading about Christmas doings at Creekside Cottage. (Sounds like you've glided smoothly through that cataract surgery. So happy it didn't slow you down much.)

podso said...

Glad it is over and went well! Now enjoy life!

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