Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 17, 2016

O, The Weather Outside Is Frightful

But inside we are cozy and warm!

After days of frigid temperatures, a storm moved through that left very little snow but plenty of ice.  It wouldn't be even a concern except Rachel has to get to work today, so Tim will drive her, and by the time she gets picked up the temps will have moderated enough that there will be rain only.  

I am done with shopping and wrapping!  Do you like wrapping?  I love it.  I guess its because I love pretty papers and ribbons and gift tags! 

This year, I've used plaid paper (shocking, I'm sure), a red paper that looks like a knit sweater, a grey paper with cute owls in plaid, and a black paper with chalkboard writing.  I've also used a few gift bags for larger items.

The gift bags are from Christmas Tree Shops and the wrapping paper from Target's dollar spot.  The tartan paper was purchased last year on sale, and I bought enough to last for several years!

Happy Me!

We used to have access to roll of white paper in varying thicknesses and coatings, when Tim worked for a printing company.  I used to wrap all our gifts in white paper (it was free!) and use pretty ribbons.  When the kids were little I'd also use bright color markers to write on the packages - words from Christmas carols or verses from the Bible of the Nativity story.  It was fun and cheery!

Our box for our southern family is going out today, all our Christmas cards are on their way.  I love giving gifts.  We have a few bags of treats to deliver on Monday to businesses that Tim has subcontracted for or has done inspections for them.  We are appreciative of their choosing our business and want to show it.


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It is terrible here with ice on snow briefly turning to rain then ice and snow again. I'm glad we don't have to go anywhere today. Loved your card!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

We are expecting some rain ourselves and then back to snow, so glad I can stay inside. While on the treadmill this morning I was watching a breakfast television show and they were showing ideas with plaid wrapping paper from Home Sense. Of course I thought of you right away. :-)

podso said...

I like your plaid wrapping paper. If's fun to see things come back in vogue (if you live long enough.) Hemlines up and down, colors, etc. Our weather looks like yours but without the ice, though there was some on the thin branches early this morning. I'm loving the cold.

Linda said...

What a happy time you are having!! I do not really like wrapping! But I will be doing some. I'm still baking and making things to give and some of them I will just add a bow or pop into a gift bag.
The wind is howling here in Texas tonight as I write. I hung a heavy quilt over the French doors by my desk to stop the wind form coming IN! It was 70 when we woke up this morning and it is slipping down to to 27 now and will get colder still before morning! I'm going to make me a cup of hot chocolate and go sit by the fire an dwatch a Christmas movie!

Vee said...

Promoting good will is very important for businesses. Have fun with your deliveries. It snowed all day and my usual task for snow days is baking. Not anymore. I cleared the driveway in three sessions. A total of four hours that I never could have done all at once.

No, I do not enjoy wrapping. Your wraps look darling and festive. I spent some time wrapping today, but ran out of tape. Hope that the weather holds tomorrow.

Cheryl said...

Oh, such up and down weather we've been having!

Your packages look lovely. I especially fond of that plaid paper...and no, I am definitely not shocked to see it under your tree! :)

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...