Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Quotes, Links, and Thoughts On Christmas

"May you have the gladness of Christmas which is Hope; 

The Spirit of Christmas which is Peace;

The Heart of Christmas which is Love."

Ada V. Hendricks

Do any of you, besides Brenda and myself, read the Golden Hours?  The post today was so encouraging.  Its called "The Coming Of The Light" and its worth reading.  Here is a snippet:

"There is so much to grieve over, both in our world and in our individual lives. As shadow piles on shadow we can find ourselves stumbling in the dark, the questions gathering stubbornly in our hearts.
Does God really see what is going on?”
The Christmas story answers, “Immanuel, God is with us.
Is He powerless to act or does He simply not care?
The Christmas story answers, “Immanuel, God is with us.”
Has God forgotten us?
The Christmas story answers, “Immanuel, God is with us.
If the psalmist found hope in the presence of God, then for us Christmas is the turning point. There may still be dark days ahead but, from that night on, the coming of the light has been inevitable. Immanuel, our God is with us."
Tomorrow evening we'll be decorating at our church for the Christmas Eve service.  Becky is heading this up and its going to look beautiful.  Friday we go to an afternoon Christmas party with our friends' business that Tim does subcontracting for. Then Saturday is Christmas Eve.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.  Mine has been wonderful.  I've enjoyed all the preparation, the decorating, the baking, the music.  I've listened mostly to Chris Tomlin's Adore album and a Celtic Christmas station and a Classical Christmas station on Pandora.  This is year I was ready to have a change from the usual music and I think I achieved it!  
I have a blog or two more in me so I'm sure you'll be seeing me before Christmas, but in case you don't visit back before Sunday 


Linda said...

How lovely! I agree with you about the Christmas music. I find I am listening to instrumentals, Celtic and Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli instead of all the Santa sougs.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

podso said...

I found your Pandora Celtic station I believe! And I'm enjoying my old CDs as well. But what variety we have at our fingertips through the internet. Who would have guessed years ago. Love your ornaments especially the plaid one!

Carrie said...

Yes, I've been reading Golden Hours and enjoying it! We are about to head to Mississippi to spend Christmas with my parents. We've been celebrating our fifth anniversary in Colorado while our little girl stays with my parents. It's been an enormous blessing and a time of rest after a very full year. The hotel here is decorated so well for Christmas that it almost seems like we've already had Christmas! Flying back to join them later today for real Christmas. "Then let us all, with one accord, sing praises to our heavenly Lord, who hath made heaven and earth of nought, and with His blood mankind hath bought!"

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It marvelous, isn't it?

Merry Christmas, Dotsie!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We celebrate our anniversary on January 2nd, and everything is still beautifully decorated. Have a wonderful Christmas, Carrie and Happy Anniversary!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yes, that was my feeling exactly, Linda!
I love Andrea Bocelli!
I have listened to the Frank Sinatra holiday station a few times, but have always switched back over to the others.

Daniela said...

Dearest Deanna,
thanks most sincerely for such an inspiring post !

Wishing you all my best for your coming days,
may your Christmas be the Merriest and the Brightest ever


Xx Dany

Vee said...

I have not heard of the site you mention, but will acquaint myself with it. I have been listening to quite a lot of the Santa Baby stuff and if I must listen to Feliz Navidad one more time... = D

Theresa said...

Thank you for this post, so festive! I pray that you and your family will have a wonderfully blessed Christmas! HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Christmas is the most beautiful when are hearts are in tune with Him, for it is then that our celebrations are full of meaning and full of joy!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

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