Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 24, 2020

Created To Be Creative

In Edith Schaeffer's book Hidden Art, also published as The Hidden Art of Homemaking, she talks about the fact that we are created in the image of God, who is a CREATOR, and therefor we are all created to be creative.

I was watching a short video by Paul Tripp on his Instagram account @paultrippquotes and he was speaking to the same thing, and this got me thinking about the importance of creativity.

I've always been creative.  I love to arrange furniture, decorate homes, grow flowers, arrange flowers. I love music, and singing.  I sew, and knit and crochet, but I can't make up my own patterns! But the ways that I am creative may not be the way you are creative.

I have a sister in law who is an artist.  She made me this card -

I am not an artist.  I can copy this, probably, but I am not gifted in the way she is.  That's okay. We weren't made to be in the image of each other, but in God's image!

Paul Tripp said that while we are all created to be creative, that the majority of us don't live up to our full creative potential due to one thing.

Can you guess?

It's fear.

That's so true, don't you think?  We are afraid that people won't like what we created, or that its not good enough.  We fear what someone will say so we do nothing!

Let's choose to do something!

Plant some flower seeds, paint a room in a color that makes you happy, (even if no one else likes it!) draw a picture, take a picture; print it and frame it for your home. Rearrange your living room.  Play music, and sing along! Bake a cake, roast a chicken.

I think that, especially during this time when we are staying home, and stores are closed, and we aren't supposed to get out and about, we should be 'being' creative!

I'd love to hear ways that you are using your creativity! It will inspire all of us and push us forward in our own creativity!

Let's talk in the comments!
I always need creativity in my life and lately that's not been happening.  


Vee said...

I'm going to get creative after my morning program and do the dishes...woot! 😊 Hope that you'll share your creativity.

Linda said...

I have long called myself the Queen of Cover Up! We are here at our camper/cabin and I was getting frustrated at the insulation (pink with white plastic bags around it) sticking out along the top of the window wall. So.....I used some wide black and red ribbon that I took off the Christmas tree here and I stuffed that in to hide the insulation! Looks good to me! Thnking outside the box and using what I have at hand works for me!!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a cute card from your sis-in-law! A lovely talent.

These days I create mostly with words in my blog posts. I've also taken up what had become a mostly lapsed pastime of sending handwritten notes and cards. I'll tuck in quotations on cardstock as well has stickers or pretty pictures from magazines, a bit of ribbon, a poem or article I think the person will like. It feels good to be doing this hand crafting of something you know a friend will enjoy receiving in the postbox.

Have fun creating... I hope you'll have time this weekend.
Heart hugs,
Brenda xox

Lorrie said...

I'm challenging myself to bake something different on the weekends, and teach myself some new baking skills. There's also an embroidery project on the go.

Thinking of you all as you mull over the joyous event planned for tomorrow that must be put off for now. May God grant you his joy.

Cheryl said...

I have picked up my penny rug mat after I rediscovered it while doing some organizing. I am enjoying the colors so much, I am leaving them on my coffee table for now. I suppose when I get too many, it will look like clutter, but for now, it looks like art to me! :)

Deanna Rabe said...

I'm doing little things right now, but I have plans for shelves in the bathrooms. That will require purchasing wood and shelf brackets.

Deanna Rabe said...

Linda, sometimes we have to find something to 'make do' until the thing we want to fix or change can be done! You are always inspiring!

Deanna Rabe said...

I've been sending cards in the mail, too! I feel like a physical card is needed since we can't be together physically.

Deanna Rabe said...

You live in a beautifully creative way.

Deanna Rabe said...

It is art! A work in progress!

Theresa said...

I have been working on a banner for my Great-grandson arriving in June. It is coming along and that is about as creative as I have been. Have a blessed and creative day! HUGS!

Mrs.T said...

Love this post, Deanna! And you are so right!

I have long felt that I need creativity in my life every day. Sometimes it is as simple as cooking or baking, or figuring out a creative solution to a problem. In fact, these days I am using creativity to be sure I don't waste any food.

That said, I love making things. Sometimes I'll make some Scripture graphics using Canva. My very favorite kinds of creativity though involve making something with my hands. I have a couple things like that going on .. a crochet UFO, and a very old sampler that my mother had started as a child. I found this in cleaning out the home place; had never seen it before, and I plan on finishing it. Floss, stamped cross stitch, all were there in a little box. I'll be blogging about this at some point. I also make mailing envelopes out of repurposed calendar pages (to use in shipping patterns and similar items from my Etsy shop) and I am down to my very last one, so I'm hoping to make some of those today. I have a pattern shipping out tomorrow and I don't want to be completely out of envelopes!

Information Friday

  My youngest and I took a quick pick in the hallway tonight! He's a lot taller than me, so it is hard for us to get a good photo, thoug...