Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 13, 2020

I Hope You Celebrated, Too

We had a really good weekend.

Tim was goofing off, but wanted to show you that Kyle is taller now.  He loves that!  Tim doesn't mind because Kyle is strong and a good help to him, whether they are chopping wood, working the business, or moving stuff.  He's a good kid!

Most days I'm not even wearing make up.  I use the headphones when there are others using the computer or reading in the living room. I can listen to an audiobook or watch a movie.  Great thing is that they are bluetooth headphones and I can get up and work in the kitchen and still listen.

On Saturday, I watercolored some hardboiled eggs.

 That was fun.

On Saturday we grilled burgers and made fries, and ate on paper plates. Yesterday I cooked a ham, made potato salad, Rachel made a jello salad.  I made several sweet treats (didn't buy candy this year) and set a pretty dinner table.  We are trying to keep special days special, even during a pandemic. 

I realize that at some point each of us may get the virus, and if so, I pray we will have mild cases that give us immunity.  I know a family who are recovering from Covid 19 and dealing with symptoms still.  Each one had it a bit different than the rest.  Mom and one daughter have the pneumonia and while feeling better, they are still dealing with fevers and getting the pneumonia cleared.  Some kids are back to normal, other than a cough, a few still have intestinal issues from the virus.  The virus can look very different in each person even in the same family.  I hope you all continue to be well.

Happy Monday, Friends!


Estelle's said...

The eggs are just beatiful...I missed shopping for Easter and putting together a basket with candy and bunnies...perhaps next year....hey, those kiddos can dance!!! Have a blessed week Deanna...stay safe!

Vee said...

Had to chuckle at the “no make-up.” Me neither and most days just wear comfy clothes: translation—flannel pants and t-shirts. No one ever sees me so why not? Now your family might appreciate a little lip color. 💄 LOL. Oh my, Kyle has grown...has he stopped yet or does he have a few more inches? Wonderful to have a good helper as I know all your kids are.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Had to stop in! Hugs!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Pretty eggs. I'm onboard with no makeup, and my skin is probably thanking me for letting it breathe. I think the best way we can avoid getting the virus is by continually washing our hands and keeping our hands off our faces. It's what we have always been told to do during flu season and seems like a profitable thing to do now.

Linda said...

I am so happy to see you had such a good family Easter. I didn't cook or even try to make it 'normal.' Being just the two of us.....we worked outside doing home repairs after watching Easter services online. It's wonderful to see families with children keeping up the traditional Easter Sunday activities.

windmillwishing said...

yes we celebrated too. quite different this year but still praised God and even figured out a way to see kids hunt eggs. I totally agree with you on the earphones. I have ear buds and listen to my audio books in kitchen too! I love it. You are beautiful, as alway. Happy Spring my friend.

Cheryl said...

Your Easter celebration sounds lovely and special and appropriate for the times! I love your water colored eggs . . . so pretty!!

I have to admit, I have not gone a single day without my usual makeup and regular clothes. (Hey, I am my mama's daughter!) Now I won't say what time I get that accomplished . . .

Home Keeping

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