Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Let's Talk About Some Good News

I read an article this morning that said that the State of New York discharged more patients who had recovered from Covid-19 than they admitted for four days straight!  That is a good sign that the hardest hit area of our country is headed in the right direction!  You can read the article {here}.

A doctor in Los Angeles has been using hydroxycholorquine and zinc on very ill Covid-19 patients and getting very good results with in 8-12 hours.  He says, they are symptom free in that time!  Read it {here}.  If this is the case, then do we even need a vaccine?

The total of deaths in the US is still under 10,000 according to the CDC website as of this morning. {here} The CDC estimates that from October 1, 2019 to March 28, 2020 there have been between 24,000 - 63,000 flu related deaths here in the US. {here}  That is perspective.  Remember, we don't really know how many people will die from Covid-19 and if the treatments will work quickly there will be fewer and fewer deaths!

Now, for a personal prayer request.  I had a bad bout with sciatica last night.  I didn't sleep much.  After many hours with heat, and an ice packet alternatively, I feel better.  Please pray that it will not be an ongoing issue, I appreciate it so much.

Later, I'll nap, but for the most part I will sit in some sunshine today, and I'll be reading the new issue of Victoria magazine which came in the mail.

Happy Tuesday Friends!


Elizabethd said...

I think a relaxing day with a lovely magazine sounds about right!
Good to hear good news as well as the doom and gloom we have on our news here.

Vee said...

Yes, such good, GOOD news this morning. People might have to dig for it because the alphabets hate sharing good news, but it is out there. Praise God! hiss! You know my recommendation is being in a recliner with knees above hips. Glad that your heating pad and ice paks helped. Praying for you because a touch from The Lord takes care of everything.

Jan said...

It is good to hear some positive news! Praying for your sciatica. I know it's very painful-mine flares up occasionally.

Barb said...

Very good news!! We all need to hear the good news to keep our spirits up! You will be in my prayers, I hope you feel better very soon!

Kim said...

This is all good news...and we need it, especially here in NY. Sorry about your back, I do hope it feels better fast. Enjoy your magazine!

podso said...

Yes the news seems to be good and praying it continues. Sorry about your back. I was just on another blog and she was showing a different magazine just out with the same feature subject. Must be the season for French! I don't understand the disagreement about the cholorquine -- it's not like its a new drug. We were on it living in Africa as I'm sure your relatives were, though they probably have something better now.

Cheryl said...

That is encouraging news! This is all so new . . . things are happening fast . . . it is encouraging to think that an effective treatment could be discovered so quickly!

Oh, poor you! Saying a prayer for you right now!

Lorrie said...

I hope you are feeling better, Deana. A day spent relaxing is good not only for the body, but for the mind and soul, too. Encouraging news is always welcome.

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