Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Home As A Haven

Few things we can do in this world are so well worth doing as the making of a beautiful and happy home. He who does this builds a sanctuary for God and opens a fountain of blessing for men."   
J.R. Miller

I love my home.  For most of my adult life, I have been home based.  Whether I am home educating, or planning a wedding, the bulk of my day is at home.

These days we are all at home most of the time.  Many people are not used to being home, or home with all the kids and their spouses either, other than on weekends.

I think it will be interesting to see how people's lives change after we can go back to our 'normal' lives.  I hope that people will have learned to really love their homes, and to make them a haven - a welcoming, safe place for their families.

I find that it just takes being intentional to make my home a haven.  I don't have to have a lot of money, or expensive things.  Here are some things I do regularly to make my home welcoming to family, and for guests.

1. Diffuse Essential Oils. Human beings respond to scent, and my favorite for our home would be lemon.  Diffusers are not expensive and you can have just one oil to make your home smell nice.  If I had to choose just one, I'd pick lemon, but you can choose whatever you like.

2.Tidy House.  Notice I didn't say spotless.  We live in our house, and Kyle and I are (right now anyway) always home!  Now, I don't have little ones at home anymore, and we all pick up after ourselves (mostly), but it's easy to have coffee cups left sitting out, or a boy's bedroom with socks in a pile.
I function better without clutter, and my husband appreciates a clean home.  So I work at it.

3. Books.  We all are readers, and we have a lot of books! Endless entertainment.  If you have young kids, I cannot stress enough how important it is to read aloud to them!  Even if they do no other school for the rest of the school year, if you read good books together and talk about them, they'll thrive!  It will become a favorite time together!

4. Good Food.  This is higher on the list for Kyle, but having good food in the house is a priority.  Funnily enough, my girls have been baking more during this shelter at home situation.

5. Talking together.  We nearly always eat dinner together, and in the evenings we often spend time talking, too.  Last evening we also watched a movie together.

6. Create Traditions.  I'm trying to bring back tea/coffee time in the afternoons when people are home.  Just to take a break and relax together.  And if people are home earlier in the day and won't be later, then we can do elevensies!

These are just some simple ideas to make your home a welcome place for your family, and after we can resume our lives, for friends, too!

I also find, that sometimes, my family doesn't really care about whether I am making a haven for them or not.  Especially now that they are all adults, or nearly.  But I find that the things I do to create HOME, I would do even if it was just for myself.  

I respond to beauty, and it helps me to feel as if I am thriving, when my surroundings speak life to me.  For me that means, flowers, books, tea, sunshine, thrifted silver, old mirrors, and plants.

What are things that you need to have in your life in order to feel at HOME?


Estelle's said...

Deanna...I so agree...these are the very things that make our homes a haven....a place of rest and peace...I absolutely loved this post today...blessings for a beautiful Easter!

Theresa said...

YUM, those cinnamon rolls look delicious! I'll take one, please:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

In total agreement with you right down to the part about family not even always noticing the things you do to create home. If those things went away, they would notice. ☺

As much as I enjoy my home, I am ready to get out of it...way out of it. ;)

Linda said...

I do all these things as well.....and music.....classical, mostly. And fairy lights. And candles.
I’ve always loved being a keeper of the home and will never run out of projects and activities to do right here at home.....

Sandi said...

😊 Hope you are well.

Sherry said...

well.. you **know** I love the word *haven*..
I also love the picture of cinnamon rolls and wishing
I could sit with you and a cup of tea and enjoy a roll. ;)
I've long been a homebody and find that while my
completion is found in Christ, the vessel He uses
is my home.

windmillwishing said...

Beautiful post my friend. I am on board with all you do. I am loving essential oils. Using them every day lately to help combat the germs, plus they just smell great and add such comfort.
You are an inspiration, which keeps me coming back to you blog.
Stay safe and enjoy those yummy cinnamon rolls!

Linda said...

What a beautiful post...I don't mind being home, it just this "being told" to by and over power grabbing governor. I have a little issue with authority (grin) and there it is, smiles.

Those cinnamon rolls look really good, smiles. Have a great rest of the week.

Cheryl said...

I am a homebody through and through. But you know what? Even this homebody has found it a stretch to be home all the time with all the people. So, yes, I need to continue to make this home a haven . . . with new routines and consideration and candles and keeping it tidy and orderly and uplifting music. It is worth the effort!

Rebecca said...

What a thoughtful post. I concur! I've hardly felt my wings clipped
during these weeks. So much to be thankful for...

A Joyful Cottage said...

Very nice post, Deanna. I always like to light candles in the evening, and keeping an orderly home is really important to me. I just don't do well with clutter. I always make my bed and am surprised when friends tell me they never do! I just can't imagine leaving home with an unmade bed. There's something about getting into a neatly made bed in the evening that sets the tone for a good night's rest. At least that's how it is for me. Right now I'm staying with my son and his family until the quarantine is lifted. Then I'll be looking to settle into my own place and re-establish my "santuary". God bless you. Hugs, Nancy

Heather said...

I too am a homebody and love creating a haven for our family. Some of the essentials that are necessary to me are the same. Books, cookbooks, houseplants (lots) 😉, flowers both inside and out, bird feeders, baking supplies, tea time. ❤❤❤

Information Friday

  My youngest and I took a quick pick in the hallway tonight! He's a lot taller than me, so it is hard for us to get a good photo, thoug...