Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Let's Chat


Mid spring I tossed a lot of seeds into the garden and waited. And waited some more. We did a lot of weeding and I thought, "Well, those poppies, hydrangea, zinnia, and a few other flowers just didn't come up." Then one day sitting on my front steps, I saw the new poppies, and then I saw there were zinnia. Now I can't wait to see my garden next year when these flowers that self seed will come back! 

The tiny zinnia are Cupid Mix Zinnia from Baker Creek Seeds. Here is the {link.} They are really darling.

The photographer came yesterday, and was really terrific. She was friendly, efficient, and professional. With emotions high for my parents (this is REALLY happening), she made them feel comfortable and relaxed. I didn't get video myself yesterday but I will still try to get one. The house should be on the market by Friday.

We are turning our attention to our home now, and Sarah is readying her things to move downstairs. We found a free standing 'closet' for her. I was just going to buy a garment rack but Tim looked on Craig's List and found {this} for $20.00. It will work perfectly for her. She will be headed back to her Bible Institute next month, and then only home for breaks until next summer. We are hoping the addition can be built during the school year.

Interesting news out of New York; Gov. Cuomo is resigning in two weeks. He's doing it for the good of everyone though, not because he's been found to be a criminal. He said he wasn't perverted, he's just Italian. Oh. My. Word. I'm sure New Yorkers are thankful that he's being so magnanimous in resigning. He's not done anything wrong, mind you. Oh, and I've heard his brother Chris is on a long vacation, but that was previously planned, of course. Timing is everything.

I heard a recorded call that was done in Australia. A woman called the lab where they do the testing, according to the Aussie health website. They are especially determining if people have regular cov*d or the d variant. The woman asks the lab person about what test they are using to determine if its regular or variant. The lab worker replies that they are using the PCR test, they don't have a test that determines the variant!

I, and many others around the world am wondering how they can say there is even a variant, if they are using the very test that the FDA and CDC have put in a class one recall and it won't be used after December. The reason for the recall is that this test is found to not be able to tell the difference between the flu and cov*d.  Did you know this?

So if the test is simply picking up dead rna of coronavirus (of which there are many, including the common cold) because it's run at such high cycles. When they run the tests at lower cycles, will they find cov*d? That has not been the case so far. Curiouser and Curiouser!

How are you feeling about the end of summer? It's coming soon. We've enjoyed the pool this year, and will for several more weeks. Here we can have very warm temps into September. I am beginning to see the early changing trees taking on a blush of change. Nothing drastic, but I am always surprised by it. 

I've been distracted here and I am trying to keep up with you all. I appreciate the cheerful community we've built here.

Happy Mid Week, friends!



Vee said...

What a nice surprise the flowers must have been! A little God breeze for sure.

Sarah will create a lovely room I am sure.

You explained the tests very well. I read so much, but my understanding can be faulty. He said that?! He's Italian? Honestly, I am offended by that comment. My kids are 1/8 Italian with an Italian surname to prove it. Outrageous!

Changes in the wind said...

Your flowers are so pretty and imagine just tossing out some seeds and have these show up:) So glad that you are done preparing the house for sale and hope it sells quickly.

Theresa said...

Beautiful flowers! I never have much luck with seeds. Perhaps I should try again. Changes for all of you and I pray it goes well. Everything is curioser these days, lots of prayers to be prayed. Have a blessed and beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

Jan said...

Hope everything goes well with the sale of your parents' house. It's a stressful time, I know. I'm really looking forward to fall-of course, I always am. It's my favorite season! As for the "plague", I don't believe anything that the government or the "science" tells us.

Sandi said...

"He said he wasn't perverted, he's just Italian."

For the love of God. Did he really say this? I could look it up, but I kinda don't want to know.

Ruth said...

Your flowers are beautiful with such vivid colors! Fall for me, is a little sad as all the beautiful colors of Gods splendor goes away and is replaced by dull and cold weather. I do love the seasons. Looking forward to seeing your parents house sale.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ohhhh, Imagine having poppies, reseeding themselves!!! You are so lucky!!!! Your whole array of flowers is delightful!!!!

So happy the Sell-House-things are going so smoothly. Best wishes for a quick sale!!!!!

You have your home prep, for the move, well in hand, which takes a load off your mind. Now to the house sale. And to the plans firmed up, for the addition to be built.

But!!!!! All this, in its own time! Without as much stress as is humanly possible!!!!!!!! -smile-


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ahhh yes!

One Cuomo bro down.

One more to go.


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Interesting, about testing for all this Pandemic stuff.

Would like to do a bit more digging myself, but am trying to avoid stress, for a bit. -smile-

We are old. We decided to get *The Jab.* To be able to go to lunch, a bit, in the nice weather. Our *Jab* is brand new, so should be *Tipity-Toppity-Vigerous*! -gigggles- Not wearing masks. Which do not work anyway, and are just *Theater*!!!!!

Our choice. Our views. -smile-


Mrs.T said...

Your flowers are always lovely. We just spent 2 days with a dear friend up north ... her gardens are magnificent, in my book. Not as lush as yours, but still beautiful, especially amid so much green. I just posted a bunch of photos that my hubby took of her flowers, and I'm sure you'd enjoy a look.

It's good to have God's glorious creation to remind us that He is still in control even amidst all of the craziness. I am sure that the guv'nor matter is intended to distract us from something else that's happening in the background. But ... "there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets." (Daniel 2:28).

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It has been hot and humid here after a wet spring and hot/wet early summer. All of the plants, herbs, and flowers on the deck in containers have died. They were not as able to handle the weird weather as those in the ground. The porch flowers are where you would expect them at this time of the summer. They are more protected than those on the deck.

My grandson, David, leaves for college in Pennsylvania today (well, his entire family will be with him today I expect). I thought it so funny that when they were visiting, he reminded his brother that he WILL be coming home so not to change their room too much! Believe me, I'm sure his brother had plans...

Kim said...

Your flowers are amazing, they're lovely. My garden is peaking right now and it's a nice place to hide when I need a little respite from the world...Have a great week!

ellen b. said...

Curiouser for sure. Hubby was doing some C.E. this morning and ran into some info that adds to the curious. Having a pharmacist husband with lots of experience with the FDA and trials of new drugs etc. we are weary and leery with the demand that people inject an experimental anything in them against their will. So tired of the propaganda. We do support our friends who went ahead with the jab for many different reasons. And now to darker pastures...Oh those C. brothers did not get enough discipline growing up.
Lets end this on a cheery note. Love God's creation and those flowers. Happy that God has our future in His hands. Make us strong and courageous Lord!

Linda said...

You have every right to be distracted with all that's going on in your life now. You are always busy - and even more so it seems with every passing year! Pace yourself! Love and appreciate you, Deanna!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...