Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

One More Day


Read a message from the Queen of Autumn {here}

I hold to the meteorological seasons, rather than the astronomical seasons. Therefore autumn starts September 1st, not the 21st.

After a tropical summer around here (high temps and humidity) I am looking forward to cooler temperatures. Here in Lancaster County, we can still have quite a bit of heat through September. Our local fair is the last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday of September and Friday's are rodeo days. In years past when the kids competed, we either had rainy cold weather or we got sunburned. Either way, we learned to bring umbrellas!

That said, I am looking forward to my favorite season. I love the coziness of cool evenings, and the evenings getting darker earlier. I like wearing cardigans and boots, I love a good scarf.

Mostly though, I think my home comes into its own in the autumn. 

Prepare for lots of autumn posts, friends.

I know that the news out of Afghanistan is hard. I find myself waking in the night and feeling the need to pray. So many unprecedented things that the government is doing that doesn't make sense, and yet does when you understand that they are controlled. They are not making good and wise choices for America.

I want to leave you with a verse that is comforting.

Isaiah 41:10 - ‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will also help you, I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

I'm a huge believer in prayer, and I'd love to pray for you. Let me know in the comments and also let me know if you have a request that is private.

Be of good courage, friends!



Vee said...

You sure do make a cute Autumn fairy, Miss I Believe Summer Ends Today. It depends on my mood, which way I lean. This year, I believe summer ends September 21. 🌻

Some of us are making a break for the ocean this week. We have no excuse not to, its being just a skip and a hop away. Some of us need a long walk on the beach,

Dawn P. said...

Too funny; I always started school the tuesday after Labor Day and while growing up we were taught "no white shoes / pants, etc before Memorial Day or after Labor Day"; so for me, summer started the day after Memorial Day and summer ended Labor Day. Either way, I am ready for fall!!!

Jan said...

Even though we will probably have another month of 90 degree temperatures here in North Texas, I start decorating for fall the 1st of September. Fall is my favorite time of year!

Ruth said...

I, like you am ready for cool dry days and chilly nights. I'm totally over the humidity and heat. Continuing to pray for our country, that eyes will start to see and ears will begin to hear.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Someone sent me that exact verse from Isaiah, Deanna, while we were waiting on word from my Marine grandson who was in Afghanistan during that debacle. Thankfully he is safe, but I’m heartsick for the families who loved their loved ones. He’s also very angry for he said that none of this should’ve happened.

Information Friday

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