Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 30, 2021


 We had a quiet weekend. 

Tim, Sarah and Kyle moved Sarah downstairs into her new room. This is a peek into it. We are very happy with the way the whole basement looks, with its fresh paint and trim.

On Saturday, we started cleaning and painting in Sarah's old room, which will be our new room. It's just getting the paint refreshed and new baseboard trim. 

We measured and figured out that we can put our California King bed in the room, our beside tables, our two dressers and a chair.

So we've already moved the couch from our bedroom sitting area to Sarah's new room, and we have a bookcase, my secretary, our rebounder, and lots of photos and artwork to remove from the walls.

My walk in closet is big and years ago Tim added some shelves that I've stored crafting supplies on. I have to find a place for all of that kind of stuff. 

This is the challenging part to me. Some things will go to the thrift store as donations, but some stuff I do want to keep, and I want to have it accessible. 

We plan to move a small bookcase from the living room and put my secretary in that space. That also means moving a mirror, but I think I'm going to put that at the end of the hall way.

My dad will be using the recliner from our living room in his bedroom, and at the moment I'm glad of that. I'm feeling a bit claustrophobic. I think partly its from the unsettled nature of the house while we prepare to move them in two weeks. 

We plan to be moved into our new room by the end of this week, then we have another week before moving them in, so we should have plenty of time to figure out where everything is going to go. 

Sunday, we were invited to lunch at our friends' home. They are from Puerto Rico and Columbia respectively and we had a wonderful meal with them. Then we played Skip-Bo before we came home! I love friends that enjoy life and that we share our common faith together! It was a delightful afternoon.

Then after we came home a friend came over with a few of his kids. They came to borrow our horse trailer. One of their sons shows goats through 4H and they are going to a fair this week in Maryland. The kids hopped in the pool for a bit, and we visited with our friend for a while. We talked C.S. Lewis books, and they drank coffee and we enjoyed conversation.

It was a full day - church, lunch with friends, and then visiting with another friend. I'm thankful for every minute.

My heart is still grieving for the men and women who were killed last week.

When the first body returned home on Friday no one from the Bid*n Administration was there to meet the plane. Saturday they were there, and JB was caught checking his watch. It was very bad optics for them. One thing I admired about DJT is that he would go even in the middle of the night to meet the planes of our fallen service members, even ones that weren't in the news. He would met the families and stand with them to honor their loved ones' sacrifice for our nation.

Then the administration, I won't say Bid*n because I don't believe he is really making the decisions, did a drone strike on a vehicle. We were told is was full of suicide bombers with explosive vests on and that that caused an extra explosion. This is what the media reported. 

Then it came out that they struck a vehicle carrying nine people, six of whom were children! The man had been an interpreter for us! So now, people wonder who decided the strike on this person. 

It's horrific. 

They are all compromised by a foreign nation or they are so incompetent. Either way all of them, not just JB need to go.

I'm learning what it means to pray without ceasing. There is so much to continually bring before the Lord.


ellen said...

I just heard that the byedin admin gave the names of American women to the Taliban, trusting them to help get them out of Afganistan. Ten bus loads of American women are now missing, believed to be dead. byedin is handing over Americans to the enemy. I can't even wrap my head around it.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I read your posts everyday. I rarely comment. So much meaness running around the world. I agree with you. This is terible what is happening but I trust God and He has a plan of action. I am lerning daily about praying without ceasing too. Our wolrd is a mess. My heart hurts for all those who lost their lives. There is only one who I owe allegiance to. That is Jesus Christ. I talk with Him daily, I pray and pray more and than pray harder. My friend un IL. has two little girls with Down's Syndrome. Please pray for them. They are forced to wear the masks and the older one has a heart condition. THe little one speeh problems due to she was born in China and lived in an orphanage there for a few years. They are Ollie Faith and Edie Joy, please pray. The teacher is a bully and afraid of death. SHe needs to learn to trust God, he will take you and lead you where you need to go. But terrorizig children in the classroom is just heartbreaking. Anyway our world is crumbling. We can pray. Prayers for all your moving and finding places for everything you will keep. Many prayers.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...