Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 2, 2021


Welcome August! 

What a fun weekend we had! It involved a lot of work on Friday and Saturday, but it was fun nonetheless. 

Friday, we didn't have our usual family night, so Tim, Sarah, Kyle and I headed to my parents in the late afternoon to clear the attic storage, and work on the garage. It feels good to have that all cleared out and the garage looking tidy and organized. It is still a staging space for us for items my parents are keeping, and things to be sold on marketplace, but it looks good.

On Saturday, Kyle and Tim mowed and weed-wacked our property, and in the afternoon we hosted a group of Kyle's friends. It was a lot of fun. They swam, ate a lot, talked a lot, laughed and had fun into the evening. Tim even joined them in the pool after dinner and they had a blast.

Did I get any photos? No. I did make cupcakes that were amazing though. Kyle's request yellow cake with my chocolate fudge frosting. Happy teens!

Sunday was church, then for dinner most of the family and Kyle's friend Daniel's family meet up at Fuddruckers to celebrate Kyle's birthday which is tomorrow. More fun, this time without any work.

This week, we need to spend some serious time at my parents house. We need to finish sorting through stuff, they are putting in new flooring in the downstairs bathroom tomorrow, carpets are getting cleaned on Wednesday. We have another pile for Goodwill, and more for the small dumpster.

The house will likely be listed next week. Please pray with us that it will go for at least the listed price, if not above the asking price!

It's peach season here and my favorite peaches, Red Haven, and ripe! It's so great!

I foresee some peach jam, peach tart, fresh peach eating, homemade peach ice cream in my future! What's your favorite way to eat peaches? I'm going to have some with cottage cheese right now for my breakfast!

Have a wonderful day!


Cheryl said...

All of those ways to eat peaches sound good to me! I also love peach pie and peach cobbler? (Is there a bad way to eat peaches? 😂)

I am praying for you all as you pack and prep and sell and clean . . . moving is not for the faint of heart! Also praying that the house sells quickly and at a good price.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

All by themselves when perfectly ripe are my favourite way to eat peaches, but I also love peach jam and peaches on cottage cheese.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Lovely weekend!

And you are making great progress with the house. Which you will continue, this week.

Are home selling quickly in your area? If so, you should have no problems, with a quick and happy sale. -smile-

Oh those peaches! We really need to head over to the Farm Stand, and look for them. And their famous Melons!!!! Have to grab those items, in season!!!!!


Vee said...

Oh peaches and cottage cheese sounds delish. There's lunch sorted.

So much work to be done when a house goes on the market. It is wonderful that your
parents have a fabulous crew.

Kyle is living the life! Happy 16th to him!

Lorrie said...

Peaches are such a highlight of summer. I like them with sliced almonds and plain yogurt for breakfast.
Getting a house ready to sell is a lot of work. You're getting close!

Buttercup said...

Oh, those peaches look good. I've got to be on the lookout for local New Jersey peaches. I look forward to them all year. Prayers for the sale of your parent's house.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...