Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 5, 2011

An Afternoon At The Creek

 Sunday was really hot...everyone from church was going to meet at a local park - but I seriously considered not going - wanting to spend the afternoon quietly at home in the a/c.

 I decided we would go, knowing we could leave if it was horrible out.  It wasn't...the humidity was low and with all the trees and the pavilion and the was perfect.

 Lindsay took all these photos and I liked this one of my can see the sun streaming through the weave of my straw hat!

 It was really beautiful - the kids were in the whole afternoon!

 Jonathan tried fishing, but I think all of the people in the creek limited his opportunity to catch fish...

 Here are my cute painted piggies enjoying the cool creek....I found a nice big rock and sat for a while watching the kids...

 The kids had such a good time...

 New friends chatting away...

 Doesn't it make you feel cooler just looking at the photos?

 We have a great bunch of kids in our church....

 These little men are all brothers, a set of twins and an older and younger brother...

 This girlie is sweet and full of life and drama...much like our Sarah!

 Bonnie and Asher...he is such cute little man...

This is his big sister....

I want to go back to this park soon!  I can't wait to take Tim....


Mama to 12, so far said...

That looks like such a nice cool place to spend the afternoon!

Amy said...

Looks like fun! We love playing in the creek.

Becky K. said...

I smile every time I think of that particular afternoon. It was sweet.

no spring chicken said...

I often wonder why we don't do this more often. But I realize now that it's because of the A.C.. If we were going to go home and swelter we would definitely choose the beautiful cooling unit that God created for us. And how much more beautiful and fun it is!!

So, I'm thankful for the A.C. when I HAVE to be home. But lets start choosing HIS A.C. when we don't!

Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures and making me think...

Blessings, Debbie

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful time! I have such memories, too, back in our homeschool/homechurch days with twenty odd kids between our families. We're all living at opposite ends of the country. Kids are getting married. Graduate degrees. Babies.

Enjoy and cherish each moment!

Tracy said...

That looks delightful! And yes, the photos do make me feel cooler!

Vee said...

Yes, it does make me feel cooler and refreshed. Nothing like children having a good time in cool water to revive the spirits.

Anonymous said...

We love to hike. This park reminds me of Trough Creek State Park .
Have a great weekend!! :)

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