Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 25, 2011


This baby is headed up the Eastern Seaboard.  We might only get rain from the outer bands, but we might possibly get much stronger winds and rain.

I am planning to take the fabric cover off of the gazebo on my deck and actually pretty much clear the deck of the table, chairs, plants, potting things.

We have some shallow rooted willow trees along our creek.  A previous owner cut these trees down years ago but never took care of the stumps.  Out of these stumps grew four to five trees each...too much rain - we lose one - too much wind, we lose one, so we anticipate losing a tree or two with this storm.  There are no trees that could damage the house, but we need to check the trees near the barn.  

Tim is supposed to work this weekend, so we are keeping an eye on the track of this storm.  His work stays open in all kinds of weather and we are wondering what the storm would have to be like for them to close.  I'd like to have him here with us if the storm is bad.

Another consideration is the animals.  We only have to think of the horses and dogs.  The dogs are easy - they will be in their kennels in the shop.  We will have to take them out to 'go' though, so that may be interesting, depending on how long the storm lasts.  The horses have the barn and the way we have it set up they can go in and out of the stalls as they wish.  The trick may be feeding time - though they have lots of grazing available to them 24/7.

We have food, water, lanterns, oil lamps, candles, books, and games here at all times.  We also have laptops that can play movies while the batteries are charged, so we are good.

We don't know what will happen electricity wise, but we are as prepared as we can be.  

I am going out to do my regular shopping for groceries, hopefully a day ahead of the crowds.  The family is scattered hither and yon today.  Busy as always.

Lindsay is doing an Autumn product photo shoot today for our friend Denny's online store.  It is up in a limited way - you can check it out here.  He carries really nice products.  Rachel is with her as an assistant.  Emily is working today, too.  Kyle and Sarah are going to hang out with Grandpa while I shop.

Friends are coming to have dinner with us this evening.  We are looking forward to it.

For those of you who are going to be impacted by this storm what are you doing to prepare? Are you in an area that is going to have to evacuate?  


Vee said...

Nice pottery below...I find pottery so beautiful and back to the earth cozy looking, but a bit heavy for my sore hands.

I am also thinking about what to do in preparation for Irene. And the thought of taking the dog "out" is near the top of the list. Ha! I think I'll make a mad dash for the garage and pray that she doesn't blow away. Or maybe I can just take her down to the basement and allow her to used an old towel or something. I don't know. This could get exciting.

Oh, yes, it'll be lovely weather when you come to Maine.

jean said...

May the Lord keep you all safe and sound. It's always a lot to do when a hurricane is coming. We were hit a few times when we lived in Florida. Hopefully, Irene will keep staying out more to sea. Funny, the name Irene is French for "peace". I have yet to see a peaceful hurricane :)

Tracy said...

Having no TV is very difficult in times like this... I have no idea if we'll be impacted or not!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I hope the storm will pass by without any problems.
You have prepared for it, so that is great.
Hope it will all pass by without the animals having any problems too.
Have a wonderful day and take care.

no spring chicken said...

I have a daughter who is so jealous of all of you. What can I say? She's an odd duck. She gets so excited when we lose power or things get 'iffy'. She actually thinks it would be fun to be a tornado chaser! :{

I'm already sending up prayers for all of you that may be affected. It's certainly been a crazy year...

I checked out your friends shop and it looks like fun!

Blessings, Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hi Deanna - We've been declared in a state of emergency - Cape May is being evacuated - and other shoreline areas. We're smack in the center of South Jersey - about 50 minutes each from Philly and Atlantic City. Worst of it to hit us late Saturday and into Sunday. Not really keen on storms like this - I was at ground zero for Hurricane Hugo twenty odd years ago - don't want to ever go through that again! In prep mode, though. Wondering if Monday will be our first day of school after all!

Lord - let not the shores this storm hit!

Tracy said...

My mother lives in a trailer. We will have a overnight guest for sure. Last I saw 110 mile winds!!

Cheri' said...

Deanna, it has been a long time since I've commented on your blog, but I read it all the time! You and your family were the first ones I thought of when I heard of the earthquake and the hurricane. You are all in my prayers. Keep us all posted on how you ride out the storm.

And...I love those pottery mugs. Blessings to you my long- distance friend!

Cheri' said...

Deanna, it has been a long time since I've commented on your blog, but I read it all the time! You and your family were the first ones I thought of when I heard of the earthquake and the hurricane. You are all in my prayers. Keep us all posted on how you ride out the storm.

And...I love those pottery mugs. Blessings to you my long- distance friend!

Kelly said...

I have to go out to the grocery story tomorrow. I haven't done anything to prepare, but we have lots of candles and a couple of oil lamps ready at all times. And, we, too, have plenty of books and games.
I really haven't heard much about the storm, so I will be checking the weather channel when I am finished catching up on your blog.

Rebecca said...

Life goes on, doesn't it?

Sounds like you have been wise in your preparations.

Only once in our married lives have we had to prepare for evacuation - that for a flood when we lived in Fort Wayne, IN in the 70's (I believe it was).

Your family and all who are prepared and waiting are in my prayers.

How wonderful that your daughter has this opportunity! I'm going to see her work right now.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...