Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Teatime Tuesday

 Welcome back to Teatime Tuesday!  I'm sorry I missed the last two weeks - the first one we had just started school and wanted to get off on a good foot, and last week I posted about our fun with Lovella and Annaliese from Mennonite Girls Can Cook!  But now I am back to share a sentimental tea set with you.

 Actually, this may have originally been intended for coffee, as the pot is narrow.  It is not a large set but it does come with 4 luncheon plates and cups, though I am only showing two.

 This set belonged to my grandmother.  When I was a girl and I would go to my grandma's to play or spend the night, she always let me play with these.  I would only use water, but oh the fun of using china!  It was my first exposure to finer things, though this was a simple set and not valuable in any way.  It's value to me is that it belonged to my grandma and she used to let me use it.

 This is an up close view of the moss roses on the set.

  I have followed in my Grandma's footsteps and have always let my children use my tea things.  When young they use them with supervision, but as they get older because they are used to being careful and they have shown themselves capable, I allow them to use them whenever they wish to have tea or hot chocolate. I want them to be comfortable using fine things, so that they will be comfortable in any social situation they may find themselves in. 

Do you have any tea things that are heirlooms for your family?  

This one is ours and I am sure that my other tea things will become heirlooms for my children and grandchildren.

Joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for Teatime Tuesday, Kathy for A Return To Lovliness, and Martha for Teacup Tuesday.


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
Thanks for sharing this morning.
What a gorgeous tea set, and then to know of course that it belonged to your sweet Grandma. The memories alone are priceless.

I love the pattern. The rose looks so delicate and pretty. Thank you for sharing it with me this morning.

Please stop by my blog and leave a comment. This is Miracle Makeover Celebration. We are sharing with Guideposts magazine and Design Gives Back the cancer child chosen as a makeover. Please come and meet 8 year old Charlie and his family. They will warm you heart. Each comment left on my blog will count as a 1.00 donation towards the next Miracle Makeover. We so need all the comments we can get. Please send any other bloggers over you know as well. Our goal this year is 5,000 comments between all of our blogs. The links are posted on my blog. We need your help. Country hugs sweetie from Phoenix, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Yes, Deanna - I inherited my grandma and mother's moss rose set, too. And I've picked up more pieces along the way when I see them in antique shops. Check out my teatime post this week - moss rose again in a surprising place! Hope school is off to a good start! I'm back in the classroom next week!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hello Deanna,
What a treasure you have in that set! So lovely that it once belonged to your grandmother.
My Auntie P. gave me most of her Rose Chintz when she down-sized because she knew how much I loved it. It was a wedding gift to her in the early 1950's and she always used it on her table at mealtimes. I've loved it ever since I was a little girl.
I also have the pattern Lavender Rose which I started for my mother years ago. When she down-sized she gave it to me.
Both patterns are dear to me; especially the Rose Chintz because it holds such wonderful childhood memories.
Thank you for sharing your pretties and for joining me for tea today. Wishing you a delightful week.


Sarah Belle said...

Your Grandma's tea set is beautiful as is that glimpse of table. How very special and dear are both of them :-). tammy

Zaa said...

What a lovely set , not to mention that it's even nicer since it was your Grandmothers... I'm sure that she's right along with you sharing ever sip and smiling.

Terri said...

A lovely set to have, and from your Grandmother! That is awesome! I do not have anything from my family.
I have lovely memories of my time with my Grandmother, but she was not a tea drinker. She did though have a big feather tick that we would sleep on when we stayed over, and she always let us ride it down the stairway, now that was fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi, that is a wonderful set. Such a great idea to let children get used to using these things from an early age.
I have a set that used to belong to my grandmother. My grandfather had brought it back with him from China. He used to be a sailor and traveled the world that way.
It's a real Chinese set and I love it. I don't use it though, I'm too afraid it might break it is very fragile ; )
Have a wonderful day.

Kelly said...

It's a lovely tea set, and it looks so nice sitting on that great newly finished table.

Alas, I have no heirloom tea items (sigh), but hopefully, I will have some to pass to daughters-in-law and granddaughters:)

Kathy said...

I don't have tea things that are heirloom, but hope to have what I do have now 'become' heirloom pieces for my family. Lovely set - I love the moss rose and the design of the plates - thank you for sharing this special post with A Return to Loveliness,
God Bless,

Tea and Friendship

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